English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 41 стр.


3. People may bias me, but I cannot help but wondering how much longer
politicians will go on ignoring the overwhelming benets of using
sustainable development as the central organizing principle for the
whole of government.
4. The head of department must have taken the report.
5. It is possible that they could have postponed the date of signing the
6. You should report any kind of problems to your supervisor.
7. You can easily do the revision of the clauses on computer.
8. I think they should have elected her chair of the committee.
Task 14.
Translate into English, using the modal verb can.
1. Тыбымоглаперевестиэтотдоговор?
2. Торгимоглибытьизвестнынапрошлойнеделе
3. Оннемогпоказатьнамрасчеты,таккаконинебылиготовы.
4. Втотмоментямогбыпрерватьегопрезентацию.
5. Онсказал,чтомыможемперезвонитьклиенту.
6. Этукредитнуюкартуможнозаказатьвлюбомотделениинашего
7. Ихпредприятиюнемоглобытьи10лет,когдаявпервыепришел
Task 15.
Translate into English, using the modal verbs can, must or may.
1. Юристдолжендействоватьврамкахзакона.
2. Ядумаю,намнадопроверитьфинансовыедокументыкомпании.
3. Оннемогуйти,непроконсультировавнасповопросамкредито
4. Онидолжнывернутьвседеньгивбанк.
5. Можетбытьаудиторскийконцерннебылпредставленнаэкономи
6. Неужелионизаключилиснимконтракт?
7. «Ненужнопреуменьшатьрискиэтогопроекта»,–сказалон.
8. Вы,должнобыть,знаетемультимиллионераДжорджаСороса.
20 basis points.
Exercise 1. Explain in your own words the following collocations and
Brainstorming, thought provoking way, up-to-date, to be fraught with,
Exercise 2. Make nouns from the following verbs according to the
model and translate them.
a) Model :verb+ing=noun, (to build – building)
Develop, exist, create, surround, suggest, cut.
b) Model: verb+ion=noun, (to create – creation)
Innovate, stimulate, generate, contribute, investigate, impress.
Coming up with New Ideas
Having a good idea is often the basis of a new product. Some ideas come
quickly and others are years in developing. Some products are innovative,
while others are simply copies or adaptations of existing products. Some
products have very little in the way of innovation or «new product» appeal
and are absolute and shameless copies made just to cash in on the success of
the original product.
Good idea or bad, all products start off with an original idea. Any organi-
sation wishing to develop new products should therefore address themselves
to the problem of creating the right sort of environment and atmosphere to
encourage new ideas and hence new products. Here are some of the ways in
which the development of new ideas and products may be encouraged:
1. Brainstorming can be a very useful and thought-provoking way of
getting people to come up with innovative ideas. Eight to twelve people are
put in comfortable surroundings under the direction of a person who is given
the role of suggesting useful key words or phrases to help stimulate the crea-
tive process. The members of the brainstorming group then shout out the
rst word that comes into their heads, no matter how stupid the word might
seem. The other members of the group respond to that word and come up
with another word. It works on the same principle as word association and
eventually something useful might come out of it. The brainstorming ses-