Иностранный язык: Контрольные работы по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса специальности 020700 - "История". Мартемьянова Н.В. - 14 стр.



the extent of his rights.
This tradition of local self-government also encouraged voluntary association.
Nothing so impressed de Toqueville about America as the fondness American
common citizens had for banding together to address problems of common
interest. While Europeans would prefer to let government address all public
problems, Americans preferred to do it themselves, as citizens. This spirit of
association remains a distinctive characteristic of American society today.
Such traditions of local self-government and habits of free associations,
Tocqueville concluded/ provided a way for teaching citizenship in the American
democracy. He wrote,
The most powerful and perhaps the only means
that we still possess of interesting men in the
welfare of their country is to make them
participate in the government. At the present
time civic zeal seems to be inseparable from the
exercise of political rights.
Like the Founders, Tocqueville realized that the civic virtue of the ancients was
not practical in the United States. Democratic citizenship, he believed, would have
to depend on something else. He did not believe there had to be a contradiction
between self-interest and civic-mindedness. In a land of equality and widespread
participation in political life, each citizen could see a connection between self-
interest and the common good. American citizens are willing to devote themselves
to public ends, Tocqueville believed, because they realize that the fulfillment of
their private ambitions depends in large pert on the success of the democratic
society. Good citizenship for Tocqueville, therefore, was nothing other than
enlightened self-interest.
What do you think?
1. Some people claim that the best way to achieve the common good is for
each person to work for his or her self-interest. Do you agree? Why or why
2. The common good is a principle originally practiced in relatively small and
homogeneous societies. Do you think there is a common good in a nation as
large and diverse as the United States? Why or why not?
3. What should voters do if their representative votes for a bill that is good for
the entire country but damages their particular interest?

                   the extent of his rights.

   This tradition of local self-government also encouraged voluntary association.
Nothing so impressed de Toqueville about America as the fondness American
common citizens had for banding together to address problems of common
interest. While Europeans would prefer to let government address all public
problems, Americans preferred to do it themselves, as citizens. This spirit of
association remains a distinctive characteristic of American society today.
   Such traditions of local self-government and habits of free associations,
Tocqueville concluded/ provided a way for teaching citizenship in the American
democracy. He wrote,

                        The most powerful and perhaps the only means
                      that we still possess of interesting men in the
                      welfare of their country is to make them
                      participate in the government. At the present
                      time civic zeal seems to be inseparable from the
                      exercise of political rights.
   Like the Founders, Tocqueville realized that the civic virtue of the ancients was
not practical in the United States. Democratic citizenship, he believed, would have
to depend on something else. He did not believe there had to be a contradiction
between self-interest and civic-mindedness. In a land of equality and widespread
participation in political life, each citizen could see a connection between self-
interest and the common good. American citizens are willing to devote themselves
to public ends, Tocqueville believed, because they realize that the fulfillment of
their private ambitions depends in large pert on the success of the democratic
society. Good citizenship for Tocqueville, therefore, was nothing other than
enlightened self-interest.

                               What do you think?

   1. Some people claim that the best way to achieve the common good is for
      each person to work for his or her self-interest. Do you agree? Why or why
   2. The common good is a principle originally practiced in relatively small and
      homogeneous societies. Do you think there is a common good in a nation as
      large and diverse as the United States? Why or why not?
   3. What should voters do if their representative votes for a bill that is good for
      the entire country but damages their particular interest?