1. We watched the planes landing and taking off. 2. We heard the engine
roaring and the plane started. 3. When we came back we found them still arguing.
4. He was pleased to hear his words quoted several times in the President’s
speech. 5. You could hear the loudness of the teacher’s voice changing according
to what he was talking about. 6. He wanted his paper published as soon as
Формы герундия
Indefinite Perfect
Active asking having asked
Passive being asked having been asked
John’s coming so late Всех удивило то, что Джон пришел
surprised everybody. так поздно.
Do you mind my joining Вы не возражаете, если я присоеди-
the discussion. нюсь к дискуссии.
In discussing this problem they При обсуждении/обсуждая эту
touched upon new methods проблему, они коснулись новых ме
of research. тодов исследования.
The teacher introduced a new Учитель вводил новый материал
subject by asking questions задавая воросы, связанные с ним.
related to it.
Upon/on completing his research Закончив свое исследование, он
he published two papers. опубликовал две работы.
They had a number of reasons У них был ряд причин для того,
for questioning his theory. чтобы сомневаться в его теории.
Before answering our question Прежде чем ответить на наш
he made clear his point of view. вопрос, он разъяснил свою точку
Discussion provides a valuable Дискуссия дает ценную возмож -
means of uncovering errors. ность обнаруживать ошибки.
I. Найдите сочетания The Gerund с предлогом . Переведите предложения
на русский язык .
13 1. We watched the planes landing and taking off. 2. We heard the engine roaring and the plane started. 3. When we came back we found them still arguing. 4. He was pleased to hear his words quoted several times in the President’s speech. 5. You could hear the loudness of the teacher’s voice changing according to what he was talking about. 6. He wanted his paper published as soon as possible. ГЕРУНДИЙ (THE GERUND) Формы герундия Indefinite Perfect Active asking having asked Passive being asked having been asked John’s coming so late Всех удивило то, что Джон пришел surprised everybody. так поздно. Do you mind my joining Вы не возражаете, если я присоеди- the discussion. нюсь к дискуссии. In discussing this problem they При обсуждении/обсуждая эту touched upon new methods проблему, они коснулись новых ме of research. тодов исследования. The teacher introduced a new Учитель вводил новый материал subject by asking questions задавая воросы, связанные с ним. related to it. Upon/on completing his research Закончив свое исследование, он he published two papers. опубликовал две работы. They had a number of reasons У них был ряд причин для того, for questioning his theory. чтобы сомневаться в его теории. Before answering our question Прежде чем ответить на наш he made clear his point of view. вопрос, он разъяснил свою точку зрения. Discussion provides a valuable Дискуссия дает ценную возмож- means of uncovering errors. ность обнаруживать ошибки. I. Найдите сочетания The Gerund с предлогом. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
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