Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 22 стр.


The University is an administrative centre which arranges lectures for all
students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees.
The tutorial system of education used both in Oxford and Cambridge is one of
the ways in which Oxbridge differs from other English Universities. Every student
has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the
student; the students duty is to regularly see his tutor and submit papers and
essays. The tutorial system of education brings the student into personal contact
with his tutor, the latter trying to influence the social and political life of the
The academic year in England has three terms; each term lasts from eight to ten
weeks. Terminal examinations take place at the end of autumn, spring and summer
terms. Final examinations take place at the end of the course of studies. If a student
fails in an examination, he may be allowed to take the exam again, only two re-
examinations being usually allowed.(1461)
to retain ones aristocratic character сохранять аристократический характер
cost of studies стоимость обучения
arts гуманитарные науки
to arrange lectures организовывать лекции
tutorial system of education система обучения, построенная на контроле
студента со стороны тьютора
tutor тьютор, наставник
to be in charge of отвечать за
to submit papers and essays подавать письменные работы и сочинения
to influence оказывать влияние
terminal examination семестровый экзамен
final examination - выпускной экзамен
Lexical Grammar Exercises
1. Find in the text the English for:
был основан , стоимость обучения, сложный, административный центр,
организовывать лекции, присваивать степень, наставник, обязанность
студента, академический год , семестровые экзамены, переэкзаменовка.
2. Translate the following sentences by choosing suitable English pronoun for
the Russian one:
   The University is an administrative centre which arranges lectures for all
students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees.
   The tutorial system of education used both in Oxford and Cambridge is one of
the ways in which Oxbridge differs from other English Universities. Every student
has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the
student; the student’s duty is to regularly see his tutor and submit papers and
essays. The tutorial system of education brings the student into personal contact
with his tutor, the latter trying to influence the social and political life of the
   The academic year in England has three terms; each term lasts from eight to ten
weeks. Terminal examinations take place at the end of autumn, spring and summer
terms. Final examinations take place at the end of the course of studies. If a student
fails in an examination, he may be allowed to take the exam again, only two re-
examinations being usually allowed.(1461)
to retain one’s aristocratic character –сохранять аристократический характер
cost of studies – стоимость обучения
arts – гуманитарные науки
to arrange lectures – организовывать лекции
tutorial system of education – система обучения, построенная на контроле
студента со стороны тьютора
tutor – тьютор, наставник
to be in charge of – отвечать за
to submit papers and essays – подавать письменные работы и сочинения
to influence – оказывать влияние
terminal examination семестровый экзамен
final examination - выпускной экзамен

Lexical Grammar Exercises
1. Find in the text the English for:
был основан, стоимость обучения, сложный, административный центр,
организовывать лекции, присваивать степень, наставник, обязанность
студента, академический год, семестровые экзамены, переэкзаменовка.

2. Translate the following sentences by choosing suitable English pronoun for
   the Russian one: