Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 23 стр.


1. Несколько молодых ученых приняли участие в конференции.
2. Все выполнили перевод правильно.
3. Ему все нравится в этом музее.
4. Он что - то писал, сидя за столом.
5. Мне ничего не было известно об этом.
6. Кто- нибудь есть сейчас в лаборатории?
7. Вы можете взять любую книгу почитать .
8. У вас есть что- нибудь почитать ?
Something, any, nobody, nothing, anybody, everything, everybody, anything,
3.Choose the suitable word from given below:
1. Could you give me some examples?
2. I saw this picture in book. I dont remember its title.
3. Could I trouble you for cup of coffee?
4. Where are the girls? Some of them are at the exhibition and went to the
5. Can you go to the country on Sunday? No, I cant/ I cant go .
6. Do you like to read Dickens or Thackeray? I like to read of them.
Another, other, the other, others, some, several, much, either, both.
4. Insert a or the most.
1. Arthur is punctual man.
2. Hug Cain is punctual man in our office.
3. Ive always known Douglas Lewis as most competent manager.
4. If I were you, Id apply to Mr. Carter, he is competent lawyer here.
5. He said it with pleasant smile on his face.
6. That is beautiful painting I have ever seen.
5. Insert much, many, a few or a little.
1. I havent many/much cash on me.
2. How many/much will it cost.
3. How many/much leaflets have you sent to the firm?
4. These publicity materials dont give many/much information on the new model.
5. There werent many/much people there.
6. Dont put many/much sugar into my tea. I want just a few/ a little.
7. Dont buy many/much postcards here. I know a better shop.
8. Will you have a few/ a little more coffee.
6.Write down the past participles of these verbs:
write, open, know, get, give, break, bring, catch drive, eat, think, throw, choose,
pay, freeze, ride, see, sell, teach, wake.
1. Несколько      молодых      ученых    приняли участие в конференции.
2. Все выполнили перевод правильно.
3. Ему все нравится в этом музее.
4. Он что-то писал, сидя за столом.
5. Мне ничего не было известно об этом.
6. Кто-нибудь есть сейчас в лаборатории?
7. Вы можете взять любую книгу почитать.
8. У вас есть что-нибудь почитать?
Something, any, nobody, nothing, anybody, everything, everybody, anything,

3.Choose the suitable word from given below:
1. Could you give me some … examples?
2. I saw this picture in … book. I don’t remember its title.
3. Could I trouble you for … cup of coffee?
4. Where are the girls? Some of them are at the exhibition and … went to the
5. Can you go to the country on Sunday? – No, I can’t/ I can’t go … .
6. Do you like to read Dickens or Thackeray? – I like to read … of them.
Another, other, the other, others, some, several, much, either, both.

4. Insert a or the most.
1. Arthur is … punctual man.
2. Hug Cain is … punctual man in our office.
3. I’ve always known Douglas Lewis as … most competent manager.
4. If I were you, I’d apply to Mr. Carter, he is … competent lawyer here.
5. He said it with … pleasant smile on his face.
6. That is … beautiful painting I have ever seen.

5. Insert much, many, a few or a little.
1. I haven’t many/much cash on me.
2. How many/much will it cost.
3. How many/much leaflets have you sent to the firm?
4. These publicity materials don’t give many/much information on the new model.
5. There weren’t many/much people there.
6. Don’t put many/much sugar into my tea. I want just a few/ a little.
7. Don’t buy many/much postcards here. I know a better shop.
8. Will you have a few/ a little more coffee.

6.Write down the past participles of these verbs:
write, open, know, get, give, break, bring, catch drive, eat, think, throw, choose,
pay, freeze, ride, see, sell, teach, wake.