Texts and exercises on information science. Мартынов О.В. - 8 стр.



4. Использование расширений не является обязательным, но их
рекомендуется применять для описания содержимого файла.
5. Жесткий диск, который установлен в вашем компьютере,
обычно находится под литерой С.
XI. Give summary of the text.
Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a software programme
that makes your IBM PC (or compatible) easy to use. It does this by
simplifying the computer's user interface.
The word interface refers to the way you give your computer
commands, the way you interact with it.
Usually the interface between you and the computer consists of the
screen and the keyboard, you interact with the computer by responding to
what's on the screen, typing in commands at the DOS command line to do
your work.
DOS often isn't very intelligent at interpreting your commands and
most people consider it awkward or intimidating as a user interface.
These commands can be confusing and difficult to remember. Who wants
to learn lots of computer commands just to see what's on your disk, copy a
file, or format a disk?
Windows changes much of this. What's been missing from the PC is a
programme that makes the computer easy to use. Windows is just such
a program. With Windows, you can run programmes, enter and move
data around, and perform DOS-related tasks simply by using the mouse to
point at objects on the screen. Of course, you also use the keyboard to
type in letters and numbers.
Windows interprets your actions and tells DOS and your computer
what to do.
In addition to making DOS housekeeping tasks such as creating
directories, copying files, deleting files, formatting disks, and so forth,
easier, Windows makes running your favorite applications easier, too.
(An application is a software package that you use for a specific task, such
as word processing).
Windows owes its name to the fact that it runs each programme
or document in its own separate window. (A window is a box or frame on
the screen.) You can have numerous windows on the screen at a time,
each containing its own programme and/or document. You can then easily
switch between programs without having to close one down and open the
Another feature is that Windows has a facility - called the Clipboard -
that lets you copy material between dissimilar document types, making it
easy to cut and paste information from, say, a spreadsheet into a company
report or put a scanned photograph of a house into a real estate brochure.
In essence, Windows provides the means for seamlessly joining the
capabilities of very different application programs. Not only can you paste
portions of one document into another, but by utilizing more advanced
document-linking features those pasted elements remain "live". That is, if
the source document (such as some spreadsheet data) changes, the results
will also be reflected in the secondary document containing the pasted
As more and more application programmes are written to run with
Windows, it'll be easier for anyone to learn how to use new programmes.
This is because all application programmes that run in Windows use
similar commands and procedures.
Windows comes supplied with a few of its own handy programmes.
There's a word-processing programme called Write, a drawing
programme called Paintbrush, a communications programme called
Terminal for connecting to outside information services over phone lines,
small utility programmes that are helpful for keeping track of
appointments and notes, a couple of games to help you escape from your
work, and a few others.
Years of research went into developing the prototype of today's
popular graphical user interfaces. It was shown in the early 1980s that the
graphical user interface, in conjunction with a hand-held pointing device
(now called the mouse), was much easier to operate and understand than
the older-style keyboard-command approach to controlling a computer. A
little-known fact is that this research was conducted by the Xerox
Corporation and first resulted in the Xerox Star computer before IBM
PCs or Macintoshes existed. It wasn't until later that the technology was
adapted by Apple Computer for its Macintosh prototype, the Lisa.