Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 10 стр.



moved down from a streamlined position to increase the amount of lift produced at a
particular airspeed.
Fuselage -- The Fuselage is the central "body" of the plane. The wings, tail and
engines are all attached to it. In a modern passenger airplane, you sit only in the top
half of the Fuselage. The Fuselage also houses the cockpit where all the controls
necessary for operating and controlling the plane are located. Cargo is also housed in
the bottom half of the Fuselage. The Fuselage is generally streamlined as much as
Horizontal Stabilizer -- The horizontal stabilizer is a fixed position airfoil that
stabilizes the pitch of the airplane. When a wing produces lift, it also develops a force
that tries to pitch the airplane forward. The horizontal stabilizer prevents this un-
wanted pitch from occurring.
Gravity -- Gravity is the attractive force from the earth that acts upon all mass. It is
one of the four principles of flight.
Landing Gear
-- On conventional aircraft, the Landing Gear consists of wheels or
tires with supports (struts) and shock absorbers which help in takeoff and landing. To
reduce drag while the plane is flying, most wheels fold up into the body of the plane
after takeoff. On many smaller aircraft, the wheels do not fold up after takeoff.
Lift -- An upward force that causes an object to rise. In aircraft it may be produced by
downward-facing propellers, or by a moving wing with an airfoil shape (the specially
curved shape of an airplane wing). Lift is one of the four basic principles of flight.
Forces are produced by the wing as the air flows around it. Lift is the part that is
perpendicular to the relative wind. The other part contributes to drag.
-- The angle between the airplane's body (lengthwise) and the ground. An
airplane going straight up would have a pitch attitude of ninety degrees and one in
level flight, about zero degrees.
Relative Wind -- The direction that the air is going as it passes the airplane relative to
the airplane. Relative wind has nothing to do with the wind speed on the ground.
Propeller -- This part of the plane produces thrust or forward movement necessary to
sustain flight. This turning blade on the front of an airplane moves it through the air.
Roll -- Roll is the tilting motion the airplane makes when it turns.
-- The Rudder, controlled by the rudder pedals, is the hinged
part on the
back of the tail which helps to turn the aircraft. It is the vertical part of the tail which
controls the sideways movement of the airplane, called the yaw
. The least used of all
controls, most flying can be safely accomplished without it. (One exception is land-
Landing Gear – шасси
pitch – тангаж, угол тангажа
rudder – руль, угол перекладки руля
hinged – петля, шарнир, навешивать
yaw – поворот горизонтальной плоскости