Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 8 стр.



radio and electronics; their advantage is their high capacity: it may be higher than
1,000 picofarad.
Besides, electrolyte capacitors are highly in use. They also have in very high
capacity: it varies from 0.5 to 2,000 microfarad. Their disadvantage is that they
change their capacity when the temperature changes. They can operate without a
change only at temperatures not lower than -40" С.
Common troubles in capacitors are an open and a short. A capacitor stops op-
erating and does not store energy in case it has a trouble. A capacitor with a trouble
should be substituted by a new one.
Aviation for amateurs
All aircrafts are built with the same basic elements: wings to provide lift, en-
gine(s) to provide motive power, a fuselage to carry the payload and controls, and a
tail assembly
which usually controls the direction of flight. These elements differ in
shape, size, number, and position. The differences distinguish one aircraft type from
Aircraft Components
Angle of Attack (AOA) The angle between the wing and the relative wind. When all
else is held constant, an increase in AOA results in an increase in lift. This increase
continues until the stall
AOA is reached then the trend reverses itself and an increase
in AOA results in decreased lift.
Angle of Attack
Ailerons -- Located on the outer part of the wing, the ailerons help the airplane turn.
Ailerons are control surfaces which are used to change the bank of the airplane, or
roll the airplane. As the ailerons hinge down on one wing, they push the air down-
wards, making that wing tilt up. This tips the airplane to the side and helps it turn.
This tipping is known as Banking. They are manipulated from the cockpit by moving
the control column (stick) left and right. Right movement rolls the airplane to the
right and vice versa. Roll speed is proportional to the amount of stick deflection.Once
a desired bank is attained, the stick is centered to maintain the bank
Section -- is the cross-sectional shape of the wing. The airfoil section shape
and placement on the fuselage are directly linked to the airplanes performance.
Bank -- The angle between the wings and the horizon, as viewed from the rear of the
airplane. An airplane with its wings level has zero degrees of bank.
Bank Angle
Banking -- Pushing the control stick in the cockpit to the left or right makes the
ailerons on one wing go down and the ailerons on the other wing go up. This makes
tail assembly – хвостовое оперение
stall – срыв потока, глохнуть (о двигателе), сваливание воздушного судна
bank – вираж, поворот
Airfoil – аэродинамическая поверхность, профиль крыла