Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 36 стр.



approach and handling characteristics have to be demonstrated.
Following this is the so-called HMD phase to build the preferred weapon-
system-concept phase. This is a working prototype combining airframe, sensors and
weapons to prove they can be integrated. Selection of the company to work on EMD
is shorthanded
in the press as the winner-takes-all
contest. Roth teams will have pre-
pared EMD bids as part of the concept demonstrator phase even before the demon-
strator aircraft have flown.
EMD is projected to cost $9 billion and the JPO is touring the world asking po-
tential customers to make contributions in return for influence in the design and
work share on the project.
Britain is being asked for $2 billion over four years. The Pentagon originally
projected this spring for a decision on EMD but this has slipped to autumn. Under the
JPO's original timelines
, initial production will start in 2005 and the first operational
aircraft will be delivered in 2007. Production is predicted to last at least until 2027.
С-17s join UK JRRF in Boeing lease deal
Boeing C-17 leasing agreement
fulfils UK forces’ short-term
strategic airlift requirement.
In September 2000 the United Kingdom signed a contract to lease four Boeing
C-17 Globemaster III aircraft to fulfil its short-term strategic airlift requirement and to
allow the Royal Air Force to become the first foreign user of the giant transport air-
craft. The contract, worth more than $1 billion over its four-year life, will enable the
UK joint rapid reaction force (JRRF) to move large outsized cargo to crisis zones at short
In the past the UK has had to hire such aircraft on the open market but now
this capability will be under national command, directed from the UK's permanent
joint headquarters
(PJHQ) in Northwood. Boeing began building the first UK C-17
at its Long Beach plant last June and it is intended that all four aircraft will be oper-
ating from RAF Brize Norton by September 2001. The C-17s will get their first test
during the autumn when they will move tanks and helicopters to the middle east for
a major British-Omani exercise.
Rapid deployment capability
Britain's defence procurement minister Baroness Symons said, "this is a sig-
nificant step towards providing, in the short-term, the rapid deployment capability
promised in the strategic defence review conclusions. The review confirmed that the
RAF had a long-term requirement to replace its ageing
air transport fleet and also
identified a shortfall in strategic airlift capability in the interim. The short-term re-
quirement will be met by the lease of four Boeing C-l 7 aircraft. The longer term re-
shorthanded - стенография
winner-takes-all победителю все
timelines – график времени
permanent joint headquarters штаб вооруженных сил
ageing - устаревший