Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 35 стр.



tries. Consequently the Pentagon and the programme partners set specific purchase
prices for each airframe and for through-life programme costs. Some astronomical
numbers, based on the initial requirement for 3,000 airframes, are involved but it
is hoped to save large sums by using common components and procurement proc-
esses for the conventional take-off and landing (CTOL), carrier-borne (CV) and
short take-off and vertical landing
(STOVL) versions. USAF says it wants 1,763
CTOL, the US Navy wants 480 carrier
versions and the USMC wants 609 STOVL
aircraft to replace Harriers and Hornets.
The UK wants 150 aircraft to replace its existing Royal Navy Sea Harriers and
the RAF's Harrier GR7s, a requirement generated by the 1998 strategic defence re-
(SDR) that established Joint Force 2000, now Joint Force Harrier, that brings
together the two service's jump jets
in one highly mobile strike force. Although the
STOVL JSF is the UK's preferred choice, the FCBA airframe choice has to be made
almost at the same time as the selection of the new carrier's design. The two deci-
sions are inextricably
The Pentagon set prices for the basic airframe, engine and avionics of the JSF
versions as $28m for the CTOL, between $31 and $38m for the CV version and be-
tween $30 and $35m for the STOVL version. These prices were at 1994 rates.
The first concept demonstrator aircraft flew
in late 2000 with Boeing's X-32
(above and left] flying first. Lockheed
Martin's X-35 (far left) has already gone
The aircraft was to have enough low-observable or stealth
characteristics for it
to be used very early in an air campaign conducted in the face of heavy enemy air de-
fences. It was to carry a range of ordnance
internally and stores on four external hard
points. There was to be 70 to 90 per cent commonality between all variants to reduce
manufacturing, support and training costs.
Flying testbeds
To understand the technical challenges involved it is necessary to appreciate
the programme's structure. The Joint Programme Office (JPO) was set up to manage
the project in a revolutionary fashion. The JPO is the customer for the JSF rather than
the individual services, although inter-service politics have permeated the pro-
gramme at every stage to date.
In 1996 the JPO contracted the teams to build concept demonstrators - flying
testbeds to prove the two designs can fly as advertised and to cost. These $750m
contracts also allow the contractors to prove they can build the three variants on the
same production line. Particular attention is being paid to the STOVL versions that are
judged by the JPO and elsewhere to be the most risky element. A low airspeed carrier
short take-off and vertical landing короткий взлет (отрыв от земли) и вертикальное приземление
carrier - тягач
strategic defence review – обзор сил стратегической обороны
jump jets – ступенчатый реактивный самолет
inextricably - неразрывно
stealth – неуловимый для радаров (стелс)
ordnance – приказ (указ)
testbeds набор тестов