Деньги - Money. Невежина С.Б - 47 стр.


2. Now listen again and respond True (T) or False (F) to the
following statements.
___1. Jack can't pay the bank right away.
___2. Jack has always made his payments on time.
___3. Jack will earn more money in his new job than he did in
his old job.
___4. At first, Nancy doesn't want to recommend an extension
of Jack's time to pay.
___5. Jack has to pay something right away, or Nancy will turn
his account over to a collection agency.
___6. Nancy says Jack has to make his full payment
___7. Jack asks for a lot of time to come up with some money.
___8. Nancy can help Jack a lot even if he doesn't make a
3. Now listen once more and fill in the blanks in the text.
(telephone rings)
GRANT: United Central Bank. This is Nancy Grant speaking.
May I help you?
ANDREWS: Hello, Ms. Grant? This is Jack Andrews.
GRANT: Oh, yes, hello, Mr. Andrews. What can I do for you?
ANDREWS: I wanted to ask if I could have __1. a little
more______ on this month's payment.
GRANT: OK. Let me just look at your file. Hmm . . . well, we've
received ______2.________for three months, and your file shows that
______3.________have been made on time since you took out the
loan. I'm sorry, but I can't recommend_______4.________.
ANDREWS: I know, Ms. Grant, but I just started a new job. I'll
be earning _______5._______than I did in my last position, but I
won't be getting paid for a month.
GRANT: Well, Mr. Andrews, we try to be helpful here, but we
do have ____6.___that we have to uphold. There's______7._____ I
can do at this point. In fact, I'm going to have to turn your account
over to a collection agency if you don't pay at least
________8.______on your outstanding balance.
ANDREWS: Could I have just _____9._________to try to come
up with _______10._______? I'm sure I can arrange something if I can
have just _____11.________ .
GRANT: __12._________ would you need?
ANDREWS: How about ten days?
GRANT: All right, Mr. Andrews. If you can make a payment
within ten days, well reopen your account. I can't do ______
13._________for you otherwise.
ANDREWS: Thank you, Ms. Grant.
Read the following article about the Euro. Then work with
a partner. Together, complete the text with appropriate quantifiers.
Discuss your selections.
Travelers Will Benefit From Euro
LONDON (AP) – Trying to keep track of expenses while
traveling around Europe can feel like a never-ending math test,
converting every price into dollars. Make a mistake, and you might get
fleeced like a Shetland sheep.
The creation of the Euro, a common currency for _______
1._eleven____ European nations, will bring short-term headaches to
travelers, but ____2._____long-term benefits.
The headaches stem from the fact that _____3.____ actual Euro
notes or coins will be available until 2002, even though the Euro will
officially exist in bank accounts beginning January 1.
You should be able to charge purchases on your credit card in
Euros in ____4._____ places, especially tourist destinations, but
____5._____cash transactions will have to be made in local currencies.
Two Prices
During the three-year transition before the Euro fully takes over,
travelers will see ____6._____ goods with two prices, one in local
currency and the equivalent in Euros.
      2. Now listen again and respond True (T) or False (F) to the             ANDREWS: Could I have just _____9._________to try to come
following statements.                                                    up with _______10._______? I'm sure I can arrange something if I can
       ___1. Jack can't pay the bank right away.                         have just _____11.________ .
       ___2. Jack has always made his payments on time.                        GRANT: __12._________ would you need?
       ___3. Jack will earn more money in his new job than he did in           ANDREWS: How about ten days?
his old job.                                                                   GRANT: All right, Mr. Andrews. If you can make a payment
       ___4. At first, Nancy doesn't want to recommend an extension      within ten days, well reopen your account. I can't do ______
of Jack's time to pay.                                                   13._________for you otherwise.
       ___5. Jack has to pay something right away, or Nancy will turn          ANDREWS: Thank you, Ms. Grant.
his account over to a collection agency.
       ___6. Nancy says Jack has to make his full payment
                                                                               THE EURO
       ___7. Jack asks for a lot of time to come up with some money.           USING QUANTIFIERS
       ___8. Nancy can help Jack a lot even if he doesn't make a               Read the following article about the Euro. Then work with
payment.                                                                 a partner. Together, complete the text with appropriate quantifiers.
                                                                         Discuss your selections.
      3. Now listen once more and fill in the blanks in the text.
(telephone rings)
                                                                                                   TRAVEL GUIDE
      GRANT:     United Central Bank. This is Nancy Grant speaking.
May I help you?                                                                 Travelers Will Benefit From Euro
       ANDREWS: Hello, Ms. Grant? This is Jack Andrews.                         LONDON (AP) – Trying to keep track of expenses while
       GRANT: Oh, yes, hello, Mr. Andrews. What can I do for you?        traveling around Europe can feel like a never-ending math test,
       ANDREWS: I wanted to ask if I could have __1. a little            converting every price into dollars. Make a mistake, and you might get
more______ on this month's payment.                                      fleeced like a Shetland sheep.
       GRANT: OK. Let me just look at your file. Hmm . . . well, we've          The creation of the Euro, a common currency for _______
received ______2.________for three months, and your file shows that      1._eleven____ European nations, will bring short-term headaches to
______3.________have been made on time since you took out the            travelers, but ____2._____long-term benefits.
loan. I'm sorry, but I can't recommend_______4.________.                        The headaches stem from the fact that _____3.____ actual Euro
       ANDREWS: I know, Ms. Grant, but I just started a new job. I'll    notes or coins will be available until 2002, even though the Euro will
be earning _______5._______than I did in my last position, but I         officially exist in bank accounts beginning January 1.
won't be getting paid for a month.                                              You should be able to charge purchases on your credit card in
       GRANT: Well, Mr. Andrews, we try to be helpful here, but we       Euros in ____4._____ places, especially tourist destinations, but
do have ____6.___that we have to uphold. There's______7._____ I          ____5._____cash transactions will have to be made in local currencies.
can do at this point. In fact, I'm going to have to turn your account
over to a collection agency if you don't pay at least                           Two Prices
________8.______on your outstanding balance.                                    During the three-year transition before the Euro fully takes over,
                                                                         travelers will see ____6._____ goods with two prices, one in local
                                                                         currency and the equivalent in Euros.

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