Английский язык. Методические указания для студентов 2 курса строительного факультета - 11 стр.



- Partial renewal or renewal of components comprises the intermediate renewal
major or minor components - switches, crossings, worn rails, insulating rail-joints, etc.
- Day-to-day maintenance includes maintenance of desirable standards of all com-
ponents of railway track and alignment which can be done mechanically or manually.
(3) Day-to-day maintenance includes tamping, lining, patrolling and other tasks.
Complete renewal as well as earthworks and reballasting require both temporary speed re-
strictions (TSRs) and ’abnormal’ possession of the fine. Earthworks, reballasting and day-
to-day maintenance may require ‘abnormal’ possessions only, while partial renewal of
components requires, at the worst, a ‘normal’ possession.
(4) A ‘normal’ possession is one which requires no alteration to regular services. An
‘abnormal’ possession does require alterations, and sometimes it may take up to 50 hours
to carry out this work. Generally, a weekend ‘abnormal’ possession lasts some 15-20
Note: 1) intermediate renewal
средний ремонт.
Ex. 7. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian
частичное обновление, временное ограничение скорости, регулярное
Ex. 8. Go back to the text, guess the meaning of the following phrases and
translate them into Russian:
a vitally important task, a ballast cleaning machine, it takes up to 50 hours to … .
Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences into English using words and
phrases from exercises 7 and 8.
1. Защита окружающей средыэто жизненно важная задача для всех стран
мира. 2. Балластоочистительные машины, выпускаемые этой фирмой, используются
на ряде железных дорог нашей страны. 3. Регулярное движение поездов было оста-
новлено, так как путь был поврежден
. 4. Для проведения ремонтных работ потребо-
валось больше времени, чем планировалось. 5. Перевод текста обычно занимает у
меня около двух часов. 6. Дорожной полиции пришлось ввести временное ограни-
чение скорости, поэтому многие водители попали в пробку в тот день. 7. Частичную
замену полотна невозможно было провести без введения ограничения скорости.
Ex. 10. Go back to the text and using the paragraph reference find words
which are similar to:
job (paragraph 1);
to divide, full, to carry out, to include, upgrading (paragraph 2);
daily (paragraph 3);
a change, to execute, as a rule, about (paragraph 4).
Ex. 11. There are several mistakes in the questions below. Correct these
mistakes and answer the questions.
1. What is the responsibility of the Chief Civil Engineer? 2. What permanent way