Ex. 2. These are the key words to lesson 9. You are to copy them and
memorize their meanings.
a failure – повреждение, неисправность, отказ;
a collapse – обрушение;
an abutment – береговая опора моста, бык;
brittleness, shortness – хрупкость (металла).
Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings.
lack of (smth) – недостаток чего-либо, дефицит;
to behave – вести себя,
behavior – поведение;
to result in smth – приводить к чему-либо;
to take into consideration – учитывать, принимать во внимание;
precise – точный,
precision – точность;
to violate – нарушать (закон, правило),
violation – нарушение;
to occur – происходить, иметь место, встречаться;
a property – свойство, качество;
sufficient – достаточный;
content – содержание.
Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. At a height of 25,000 feet the lack of oxygen causes headaches. 2. She is very good
at home – but how does she behave at school? 3. The accident resulted in the death of two
passengers. 4. The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house. 5. All our efforts only
resulted in the knot becoming tighter. 6. Your teacher will take your recent illness into
consideration when judging your examination. 7. The precise cost of the project is almost
impossible to calculate. 8. Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their
aircraft. 9. I know a lot of examples of violation of traffic rules. 10. This sound doesn’t
occur in his language, so it’s difficult for him to pronounce. 11. The conducting properties
of solids vary widely. 12. Soon the plane had gained sufficient height to cross the moun-
tains. 13. The level of alcohol in the man’s blood was sufficient to cause an accident.
14. I like the style of this book but I don’t like its content. 15. Eggs have a very high food
Ex. 4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense form. Translate the sen-
tences into Russian.
1. He (to admit – Past Simple Active) that his failure (to cause – Past Perfect Pas-
sive) by his lack of courage. 2. He (to know – Present Simple Active) that he (to upset –
Present Perfect Active) me, but he (to behave – Present Continuous Active) as if nothing
(to happen - Present Perfect Active). 3. The game (to result – Past Simple Active) in an-
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