heighten v. повышать, усиливать
hold v. придерживаться
imply v. подразумевать, предполагать
insight n. понимание, интуиция, проникновение
issue n. спорный вопрос, проблема
moderator n.
order n.
outcome n.
посредник, ведущий в дискуссии, руководитель
outgrowth n.
predetermined a.
результат, следствие
предопределенный, заранее установленный
pursue v. преследовать, следовать, выполнять
questionnaire n.
review n.
анкета, вопросник
обзор, рецензия
sophisticated a. сложный
testify v.
thesis n.
свидетельствовать, подтверждать
tight a. сжатый, плотный
time scale n. масштаб времени
undertake v. предпринимать
unscientific a. антинаучный
updated a.
variety n.
разнообразие, разновидность
yield v.
давать в результате
The aims of this unit:
• to make you think about the stages you will need to complete as part of your research process;
• to reflect upon the correlation between the object and the subject, the goal and the objectives of research;
• to analyse the concept of a research hypothesis;
• to practise in formulating basic stages of your research.
1. Scan the text about the research process and write the number of the section (1 – 8) where you can find
the following information. Do it as quickly as possible.
a. how to prove that your problem is topical
b. what are stages of research
c. how to describe the goal and set the tasks of your research
d. what is a hypothesis
e. how to evaluate your research
f. how to formulate the hypothesis
g. how to draw conclusions
h. how to specify the object and the subject of research
1. Most research textbooks represent research as a multi-stage process that you must follow in order to undertake
and complete your research project. The precise number of stages varies, but they usually include formulating and clarifying
a topic, critically reviewing the literature, choosing a strategy, collecting data, analyzing data and writing up. You may
suggest that the research process is rational and straightforward. Unfortunately this is very rarely true, and the reality is
considerably messier. While research is often depicted as moving through each of the stages outlined below, one after the
other, this is unlikely to be the case. In reality you will probably revisit each stage more than once. Each time you revisit a
stage you will need to reflect on the associated issues and refine your ideas.
Research is sometimes described using the hourglass model. The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for
research, focusing in on the required information through the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hour-
glass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and results.
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