Английский язык для исследователей (English for Researchers). Никульшина Н.Л - 23 стр.


4. Examine Figure 3.1. illustrating the criteria which a good research topic should meet.
Figure 3.1. Attributes of a good research topic
5. Form a checklist of attributes of a good research topic inserting the missing words from Figure 3.1. The
first two questions have been done for you as an example. Does the research topic you proposed meet these quali-
Checklist of attributes of a good research topic
9 Does the topic meet the standards set by the examining institutions?
9 Is the topic something which you are really interested in?
9 Do you have the __________________________ to undertake the topic?
9 Does your research topic contain issues that have __________________?
9 Is the research topic achievable within the _______________
9 Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain _________________
_______ you are likely to require for this topic?
9 Will your research be able to provide ___________________________?
9 Does the research topic match your _____________________________?
9 Are the outcomes for this research topic likely to be ________________:
that is ______________________________?
9 Are you able to state your research _______________________ clearly?
9 Is the research topic achievable within the _______________________
that are likely to be available?
6. One of the attributes of a good research topic is symmetry of potential outcomes. To gain clear under-
standing of what it means and how to ensure it read and analyze the following text as a worked example. Be
ready to answer the questions:
a. What was Mark’s initial research idea?
b. What made him change the topic?
c. What did he decide to research?
d. Will a refined research topic ensure symmetry of potential outcomes?
Mark was a part-time postgraduate student. His initial research topic was concerned with finding out whether there
was any relationship between the level of stress experienced by social workers and the number of years they had been
employed as social workers. If he established that there was a link between these factors this would be an interesting
Your interest in
the topic and the
necessary research
time re-
finance re-
Access to
data re-
quired for
the topic
A clear
link to
Fresh insights
into the topic
Standards set
by the examin-
ing institutions
A symmetry of
potential out-
Your ca-
reer goals
research ques-
tions and objec-