Английский язык для исследователей (English for Researchers). Никульшина Н.Л - 29 стр.


1. Conduct a review of the literatures on employee involvement and Thai national culture in order to develop re-
search hypotheses.
2. Carry out primary research in three American-owned petrochemical and manufacturing organisations in Thai-
land to assess the opinions of Thai employees and their managers towards values underpinning employee involvement.
Informal approval has been gained from three organisations. American-owned organisations are relevant because it is in
these that employee involvement is most likely to be found and values underpinning employee involvement exhibited.
Petrochemical and manufacturing organisations are chosen because the occupations carried out in these organisations
are likely to be similar, thus ensuring that any differences are a function of Thai national culture rather than of occupa-
tional culture.
3. A questionnaire will be developed with questions based on the Thai values a–f in the Background section
above. Each value will lead to a hypothesis (e.g. employee involvement may not be appropriate to Thai culture because
it may mean that employees openly criticise their managers). The questions in the questionnaire will seek to test these
hypotheses. The questionnaire will be distributed to a sample (size to be agreed) of employees and of managers across
all three organisations.
4. Data analysis will use the SPSS software. Statistical tests will be run to ensure that results are a function of
Thai cultural values rather than of values that relate to the individual organisations.
January – March 2002: review of literature.
April 2002: draft literature review.
May 2002: review research methods literature and agree research strategy.
June 2002: agree formal access to three organisations for collection of primary data.
July-August 2002: compile, pilot and revise questionnaire.
September 2002: administer questionnaire.
October-November 2002: final collection of questionnaires and analysis of data.
November 2002-February 2003: completion of first draft of project report.
March-May 2003: final writing of project report.
I have access to computer hardware and software. Access to three organisations has been negotiated, subject to
confirmation. My employer has agreed to pay all incidental costs as part of my course expenses.
Komin, S. (1990) Psychology of the Tai People: Values and Behavioral Patterns, Thailand, National Institute of
Development Administration (in Thai).
Pokeach, M. (1979) Understanding Human Values: Individual and Society, New York, The free Press.
17. Answer the questions:
1. What is Puvadol’ MA dissertation concerned with?
2. What factors do you think predetermined the choice of this topic?
3. In your opinion, is the research problem stated by Puvadol topical?
4. What research objectives has he set?
5. What methods of research is Puvadol going to use in order to prove his hypothesis?
6. Why did Puvadol decide to choose American-owned organizations as a place for organizing his experiment?
7. Why were petrochemical and manufacturing organisations chosen?
8. What data does Puvadol want to obtain using a questionnaire?
9. What methods of data analysis are supposed to be employed?
10. Is the research topic achievable within a year?
From research ideas to a research proposal
If you have not been given a research idea consider the techniques available for generating and refining re-
search ideas. Choose a selection of those with which you feel most comfortable, making sure to include both rational
and creative thinking techniques. Use these to try to generate a research idea or ideas. Once you have got some research
ideas, or if you have been unable to find an idea, talk to your scientific advisor.
Evaluate your research ideas against the checklist of attributes of a good research project.
Refine your research ideas using a selection of the techniques available for generating and refining research
ideas. Re-evaluate your research ideas against the checklist of attributes of a good research project. Remember that it is
better to revise (and in some situations to discard) ideas that do not appear to be feasible at this stage. Integrate your
ideas using the process of working up and narrowing down to form one research idea.
Use your research idea to write a general focus research question. Where possible this should be a ‘why?’ or a
‘how’ rather than a ‘what?’ question.