Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений для студентов специальности "Судовождение". Пенязь Г.В. - 36 стр.



Test 1
Choose the correct answers
1. The lighthouse serves as:
a) illumination
b) an aid to navigation
c) navigational instrument
d) buoy
2. When the leading lights are exhibited the front and the rear light are:
a) at the same elevation
b) the front light is higher than the rear one
c) at the same place
d) the front light is lower than the rear one
3. An occulting light means:
a) постоянный
b) проблесковый
c) затмевающий
d) необслуживаемый
4. The lighthouse is a structure:
a) marking the dangers
b) marking anchorage
c) exhibiting a light
d) showing soundings
5. Lighthouse is located:
a) only at a sea
b) at sea or on land
c) only on land
d) only on solid foundation
6. The octagonal shape of a lighthouse means:
a) квадратная
b) треугольная
c) шестиугольная
d) восьмиугольная
7. The line of leading lights means:
a) линия створа
b) осевая линия
                                    Test 1
Choose the correct answers

1. The lighthouse serves as:
a) illumination
b) an aid to navigation
c) navigational instrument
d) buoy

2. When the leading lights are exhibited the front and the rear light are:
a) at the same elevation
b) the front light is higher than the rear one
c) at the same place
d) the front light is lower than the rear one

3. An occulting light means:
a) постоянный
b) проблесковый
c) затмевающий
d) необслуживаемый

4. The lighthouse is a structure:
a) marking the dangers
b) marking anchorage
c) exhibiting a light
d) showing soundings

5. Lighthouse is located:
a) only at a sea
b) at sea or on land
c) only on land
d) only on solid foundation

6. The octagonal shape of a lighthouse means:
a) квадратная
b) треугольная
c) шестиугольная
d) восьмиугольная

7. The line of leading lights means:
a) линия створа
b) осевая линия