Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков профессионального общения. В двух частях Ч.2: Marketing. Руденко Т.П. - 33 стр.



VII. Design your own shampoo or other product. Include the
following information:
Name of Product
Price / Ounce (grams)
Shape of Container
Color of Container
Size (in ounces / grams)
Color of Product
On another piece of paper, draw the container and label for
your product. Include the name, price, number of ounces/grams and
slogan. If you use a product other than shampoo, revise this exercise
to include what is necessary in designing this product.
VIII. Determine the marketing mix that you think will be suc-
cessful for your product. Be as specific as possible.
Target market:
1. Dowling, Barbara T.; McDougal, Arden Marianne. Business
Concepts For English Practice. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers,
2. Jones, Leo; Alexander, Richard. International Business Eng-
lish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
3. Kral, Thomas. Economic Considerations. English Through
Content: Applied Economics // Materials Development and Review
Branch English Language Programs Division, US Information Agency,
Washington, D.C., 1996.
4. Revell, Rod; Sweeney, Simon. In Print. Reading Business Eng-
lish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
5. Ruetten, Mary K. Comprehending Academic Lectures. N.Y.:
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986.
      VII. Design your own shampoo or other product. Include the                                 BIBLIOGRAPHY
following information:
                                                                               1. Dowling, Barbara T.; McDougal, Arden Marianne. Business
      Name of Product                                                   Concepts For English Practice. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers,
      Price / Ounce (grams)                                             1993.
      Shape of Container                                                       2. Jones, Leo; Alexander, Richard. International Business Eng-
      Color of Container
                                                                        lish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
      Size (in ounces / grams)                                                 3. Kral, Thomas. Economic Considerations. English Through
      Color of Product                                                  Content: Applied Economics // Materials Development and Review
                                                                        Branch English Language Programs Division, US Information Agency,
       On another piece of paper, draw the container and label for      Washington, D.C., 1996.
your product. Include the name, price, number of ounces/grams and              4. Revell, Rod; Sweeney, Simon. In Print. Reading Business Eng-
slogan. If you use a product other than shampoo, revise this exercise   lish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
to include what is necessary in designing this product.                        5. Ruetten, Mary K. Comprehending Academic Lectures. N.Y.:
                                                                        Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986.
      VIII. Determine the marketing mix that you think will be suc-
cessful for your product. Be as specific as possible.

      Target market:

                                 65                                                                      66