Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков профессионального общения. В двух частях. Ч.1: Management. Руденко Т.П - 23 стр.


of the other, women can bring new per-
spectives and responses to the role of the
corporation and the conduct of business.
The Catalyst
In its nonprofit role, Catalyst is expan-
ding its concern with women directors
through a program designed to help women
bring new insights to corporate boards.
The Catalyst Women Directors' Pro-
gram, for which Revlon, Inc. has provided
funding, will help business be more respon-
sive to the changing needs-of society by:
• Raising awareness about emerging society
issues that may affect the business commu-
• Serving as a channel of communication
between corporate leaders and those who
are leaders in thought and action on these
• Providing a forum for sharing knowledge
about these issues.
• Acting as a sounding board for govern-
ment and business.
The program will, in this its second year,
invite corporate, government, academic, fi-
nancial, and international leaders to partici-
pate in a series of symposia, each focusing
on a topic of crucial significance to the cor-
porate world. Some examples include long-
term inflation, increased government regu-
lation, the aging population, and the energy
shortage and their effects on business.
Forum: occasion or
place for exchange of
views or knowledge.
Sounding board (or
sound board): a means
for causing an opinion
or plan to be widely
Symposia (plural of
symposium): confer-
ences for discussion of
a subject.
Catalyst, of which Ms. Schwartz is founder and president, is a national nonprofit
organization that promotes the productive utilization of women in corporations and the
A company's ability to be responsive to
social change is no longer solely a matter
of corporate conscience. The effectiveness
of a corporation in coping with external
factors and society's needs affects how it is
perceived by its key constituencies (i.e., by
its customers, employees, and investors)
and how well it can implement its corporate
strategies over time. Social change is no
longer a matter merely for charitable atten-
tion but has become a factor that can influ-
ence a company's growth and even sur-
vival. The Women Directors' Program, in
acting as a channel of communication be-
tween corporate leaders and leaders in
other fields, serves corporate society both
by helping it to anticipate emerging social
issues and by enhancing the special contri-
bution that women directors individually
and as a group can make to the boards on
which they serve.
groups having a spe-
cial interest and power
(direct or indirect)
over someone.
Selecting women candidates
Identifying and choosing women for
corporate directorships is difficult. Al-
though there are approximately 3,500
women whose achievement and/or level of
employment might qualify them for con-
sideration as directors, the vast majority are
unknown to most corporate leaders. In ad-
dition, the network through which they
might be reached – the “new women's”
equivalent to the “old boy” network – has
not yet been widely established.
Network: here, an in-
formal organization of
like-minded persons
(for example, women)
who help each other
advance in status or
position; “old boy net-
work” refers to the in-
formal organization of
men who have long
been in the same kind
of business, think alike,
and do favors for each
other, especially getting
better pay and position
for each other.
  of the other, women can bring new per-                                                     A company's ability to be responsive to
  spectives and responses to the role of the                                             social change is no longer solely a matter
  corporation and the conduct of business.                                               of corporate conscience. The effectiveness
      The Catalyst* program                                                              of a corporation in coping with external
      In its nonprofit role, Catalyst is expan-                                          factors and society's needs affects how it is
  ding its concern with women directors                                                  perceived by its key constituencies (i.e., by    Constituencies:
  through a program designed to help women                                               its customers, employees, and investors)         groups having a spe-
  bring new insights to corporate boards.                                                and how well it can implement its corporate      cial interest and power
      The Catalyst Women Directors' Pro-                                                 strategies over time. Social change is no        (direct or indirect)
  gram, for which Revlon, Inc. has provided                                              longer a matter merely for charitable atten-     over someone.
  funding, will help business be more respon-                                            tion but has become a factor that can influ-
  sive to the changing needs-of society by:                                              ence a company's growth and even sur-
  • Raising awareness about emerging society                                             vival. The Women Directors' Program, in
  issues that may affect the business commu-                                             acting as a channel of communication be-
  nity.                                                                                  tween corporate leaders and leaders in
  • Serving as a channel of communication                                                other fields, serves corporate society both
  between corporate leaders and those who                                                by helping it to anticipate emerging social
  are leaders in thought and action on these                                             issues and by enhancing the special contri-
  issues.                                                                                bution that women directors individually
                                                                                         and as a group can make to the boards on
  • Providing a forum for sharing knowledge             Forum: occasion or
                                                                                         which they serve.
  about these issues.                                   place for exchange of
  • Acting as a sounding board for govern-              views or knowledge.                  Selecting women candidates                   Network: here, an in-
  ment and business.                                    Sounding board (or                   Identifying and choosing women for           formal organization of
  The program will, in this its second year,            sound board): a means            corporate directorships is difficult. Al-        like-minded persons
  invite corporate, government, academic, fi-           for causing an opinion           though there are approximately 3,500             (for example, women)
  nancial, and international leaders to partici-        or plan to be widely             women whose achievement and/or level of          who help each other
  pate in a series of symposia, each focusing           heard.                           employment might qualify them for con-           advance in status or
  on a topic of crucial significance to the cor-        Symposia (plural of              sideration as directors, the vast majority are   position; “old boy net-
  porate world. Some examples include long-             symposium): confer-              unknown to most corporate leaders. In ad-        work” refers to the in-
  term inflation, increased government regu-            ences for discussion of          dition, the network through which they           formal organization of
  lation, the aging population, and the energy          a subject.                       might be reached – the “new women's”             men who have long
  shortage and their effects on business.                                                equivalent to the “old boy” network – has        been in the same kind
                                                                                         not yet been widely established.                 of business, think alike,
                                                                                                                                          and do favors for each
                                                                                                                                          other, especially getting
     Catalyst, of which Ms. Schwartz is founder and president, is a national nonprofit                                                    better pay and position
organization that promotes the productive utilization of women in corporations and the                                                    for each other.

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