necessarily – from an area that would yield
insight, perspective, and experience obvi-
ously relevant to the concerns of the corpo-
ration. Such women tend to be highly
“visible” and accessible; 120 of the 300
women currently serving on the top 1,300
boards are from government, education,
and the nonprofit sector.
Perspective: point of
view; the ability to
look at things from
different points of
The chairmen's first three choices – women
chief executives, women with CEO-related
experience, and women of high achieve-
ment outside business – virtually exhausted
the supply of visible women.
The corporate problem is that the pool of
qualified women candidates as currently
perceived, is inadequate. Thus, two things
must happen: the visible pool of candidates
must be enlarged, and expectations of them
must be clarified.
Making a contract
The area of board responsibility has
been vastly expanded. A greater range
of experience and an infinitely broader
perspective are needed today than in the
past. The sine qua non for directorship can
no longer be chief executive experience or
the equivalent. It must now be the highest
level of intelligence and motivation. There
is no shortage of either among women.
However, the chairman's expectations of
the new director must be realistic, clearly
analyzed and defined, and well communi-
cated to her. She, in turn, must agree to
accept the responsibility to fulfill those
Sine qua non: an
essential element,
condition that cannot
be done without.
In effect, a contract, based on the
board's need for a particular perspective or
expertise and a woman's ability to perform,
must be made between the chairman and
the new director. Realistic ground rules
would thereby be established so that the
woman could make the needed contribution
to the work of the board and derive both
professional satisfaction and the respect of
her peers from the contribution she makes.
Ground rules: guide-
lines established so
that things will run
smoothly to be under-
stood by everyone
There is a wide spectrum of significant
yet different contributions that women di-
rectors have been able to make, from their
specialized corporate experience as well as
from their valuable experience in the public
sector. Another valuable contribution that
many women directors can make is to en-
hance the morale and the productivity of
women in their companies, not only by
their presence on the board as role models
but by communicating actively with them
and thus understanding and addressing the
special needs and problems women face.
Moreover, on the horizon is an enormous
role that women can perform on boards by
helping to analyze and seek solutions to the
problems of the two-career family. The
forward-looking chairman has this in mind
in recruiting new directors for his board.
Spectrum: range,
scope, variety.
Role models: exam-
ples to be imitated.
One positive aspect of women's presence
in the boardroom is that their desire to learn
and their position as representatives of a
new phenomenon have allowed them to ask
questions more freely than men, whose
history of participation has led to the as-
sumption that they are more knowledgeable
about matters discussed and issues raised
than they necessarily are.
necessarily – from an area that would yield In effect, a contract, based on the insight, perspective, and experience obvi- Perspective: point of board's need for a particular perspective or ously relevant to the concerns of the corpo- view; the ability to expertise and a woman's ability to perform, ration. Such women tend to be highly look at things from must be made between the chairman and “visible” and accessible; 120 of the 300 different points of the new director. Realistic ground rules Ground rules: guide- women currently serving on the top 1,300 view. would thereby be established so that the lines established so boards are from government, education, woman could make the needed contribution that things will run and the nonprofit sector. to the work of the board and derive both smoothly to be under- professional satisfaction and the respect of stood by everyone The chairmen's first three choices – women her peers from the contribution she makes. concerned. chief executives, women with CEO-related experience, and women of high achieve- There is a wide spectrum of significant Spectrum: range, ment outside business – virtually exhausted yet different contributions that women di- scope, variety. the supply of visible women. rectors have been able to make, from their The corporate problem is that the pool of specialized corporate experience as well as qualified women candidates as currently from their valuable experience in the public perceived, is inadequate. Thus, two things sector. Another valuable contribution that must happen: the visible pool of candidates many women directors can make is to en- must be enlarged, and expectations of them hance the morale and the productivity of women in their companies, not only by must be clarified. their presence on the board as role models Role models: exam- Making a contract but by communicating actively with them ples to be imitated. The area of board responsibility has and thus understanding and addressing the been vastly expanded. A greater range special needs and problems women face. of experience and an infinitely broader Moreover, on the horizon is an enormous perspective are needed today than in the role that women can perform on boards by past. The sine qua non for directorship can Sine qua non: an helping to analyze and seek solutions to the no longer be chief executive experience or essential element, problems of the two-career family. The the equivalent. It must now be the highest condition that cannot forward-looking chairman has this in mind level of intelligence and motivation. There be done without. in recruiting new directors for his board. is no shortage of either among women. One positive aspect of women's presence However, the chairman's expectations of in the boardroom is that their desire to learn the new director must be realistic, clearly and their position as representatives of a analyzed and defined, and well communi- new phenomenon have allowed them to ask cated to her. She, in turn, must agree to questions more freely than men, whose accept the responsibility to fulfill those history of participation has led to the as- expectations. sumption that they are more knowledgeable about matters discussed and issues raised than they necessarily are. 41 42
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