Современная архитектура и строительство. Рябцева Е.В - 27 стр.


school in Ingolstadt (1998) was not an expression of tight site boundaries. The city provided an attractive site
close to an area of open landscape. The design foresaw a series of buildings with linking corridors, halls, open
workplaces, and gardens outside the classrooms.
For the European Professional Training Institute in Bitburg (2002), we also found an open site at the transi-
tion between the town and the countryside. Here, we designed a lively scheme that is embedded in the urban envi-
ronment and dissected by landscape elements. The various functional zones are scattered about the site, providing
a quality of openness towards the activities they house, towards the landscape and other buildings. The diversity
required of school structures emerges in the design process when one addresses the many special needs involved,
when one avoids constraints imposed from above, and when one ensures that a new development does not, in
turn, impose its own restrictions on others. Our articulacy as individuals and our integration in society are united
in a single whole if the architectural elements can be seen as individual and articulate in themselves. Architecture
mirrors the diversity of our world and also reflects our concern that it may be lost.
Vocabulary List
an outcomeрезультат, последствие, исход
to gain получать, достигать, выигрывать
a commissionпоручение, заказ
to encumber препятствовать, мешать, затруднять
to respond отвечать, реагировать, нести ответственность
to assume принимать (характер, форму)
ruralсельский, деревенский
a catchment area район охвата обслуживанием
a contingencyвозможность
to attempt пытаться, пробовать
to deriveзаимствовать, наследовать
subordinateвторостепенный, подчиненный
a meadowлуг
an undertakingпредприятие
to dissolveаннулировать, распускать, расторгать
to erect устанавливать, сооружать, воздвигать
a landscapeландшафт, пейзаж
Answer the following questions.
1. What was the aim of school builders in the 1950s and 1960s?
2. During this period one wanted a building that would meet all possible contingencies, didn’t he?
3. What were the distinguishing qualities of the secondary school on the Schafersfeld?
4. Why is it important to build educational institutions in “meadow-like surroundings”?
Find the English equivalents in the text.
Родительский дом; быть отрезанным от; поручать; перегородка; до сих пор; подход; располагаться;
строгая последовательность; вместо; быть причиной; получать опыт; второстепенные элементы; объе-
Explain the meaning.
An architectural competition; schools of all-day instruction; democratic architecture; heterogeneous envi-
ronment; heavy traffic disturbance; to ameliorate the situation.
True or false?
1. The design of schools in Germany is usually the outcome of the society demand.
2. Up to the 1980s school design was encumbered very much by ideology.