A discourse, a reform, a wish, hard, a scheme, to create, an ornament, recent, a windowpane.
Make the written translation of the second paragraph of the text.
True or false?
1. At the beginning of the 20th century colour expressed an architect’s philosophy of life.
2. In architecture colour concepts are usually directly related to social and political ideas.
3. In Germany the 1950s were distinguished by the domination of white colour.
4. During the period of pop art people were shocked by the great variety of colours in architecture.
Форма и основные функции сослагательного наклонения
(See Grammar Reference)
# Use the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood I.
1. You (to speak) better if you (to be) more attentive.
2. If he (to understand) the situation, he (to act) differently.
3. He (to catch) the train if he (to make haste).
4. If I (to be) you, I (to consider) the matter settled.
5. If only he (to be) here, he (can) tell you.
6. If I (to be) in your place, I (to think) as you do.
7. He not (to do) it if you not (to help) him.
8. If he (to be) present, he (may) object.
9. She (to come) to see you if she not (to be tired).
10. If I (to get) the tickets before twelve o'clock, I (to come) straight home.
# Use the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood II.
1. I think that if we (to take shelter) under these trees, we not (to get wet).
2. If I (to hesitate) much longer before getting into the water, he not (to let) me swim at all today.
3. If she (to come) earlier, she (to have been able) to see him before he went out.
4. He (to go) for a ride with you, if he (to repair) his bicycle.
5. If a year ago the sailors (to be told) they were to undertake a trip of this sort, they (to be surprised).
6. If he (to be) present, this not (to occur).
7. If the storm not (to rage), the ship (to leave) the harbour last night.
8. If our telephone not (to be) out of order, I (to ring) you up this morning.
9. If you (to come) between two and three yesterday, you (to find) me at home.
10. If I (to have) to carry that heavy box, I (to be) obliged to drop it after five minutes.
11. I (not to go) to sleep over that book if it (not to be) so dull.
12. If I (to know) you (to come), I, of course, (to stay) at home.
13. If anyone (to say) such a thing to me, I (to feel) hurt.
14. We never (to solve) the riddle, if you not (to put) us on the track.
# Translate from Russian into English. Mind the Passive Voice.
1. Он серьезный человек. На него всегда можно положиться.
2. За старой женщиной ухаживает ее младшая дочь.
3. На вечере нам показали прекрасный фильм.
4. В дом попала молния.
5. С ним необходимо немедленно поговорить по этому вопросу.
6. Вам могут задать вопрос по домашнему чтению на экзамене.
7. Ей было дано задание составить список участников концерта.
8. Речь была заслушана с большим вниманием.
9. Поход пришлось отложить из-за плохой погоды.
10. Об этой пьесе сейчас много говорят.
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