Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование - 28 стр.


ñ) ×åì âûøå ìû ïîäíèìàåìñÿ â àòìîñôåðó, òåì íèæå
ñòàíîâèòñÿ äàâëåíèå.
XXIV. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû:
1. What does the earth’s atmosphere consist of?
2. What are the constituent parts of the earth’s atmosphere?
3. What is air?
4. Is the pressure at sea level the same at all places?
5. How much oxygen does air generally contain?
6. What is the difference between Earth’s atmosphere and that
of Mars?
7. Has the Moon any atmosphere?
8. What gas is essential to sustain life on the earth?
9. What is the height of Mount Everest?
10. What is the thickness of the atmosphere?
11. How great is the pressure of the atmosphere?
12. Why is the air denser in the lower layers?
13. Why it is so difficult to breathe at the top of a high mountain?
     ñ) ×åì âûøå ìû ïîäíèìàåìñÿ â àòìîñôåðó, òåì íèæå
ñòàíîâèòñÿ äàâëåíèå.
     XXIV. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû:
     1. What does the earth’s atmosphere consist of?
     2. What are the constituent parts of the earth’s atmosphere?
     3. What is air?
     4. Is the pressure at sea level the same at all places?
     5. How much oxygen does air generally contain?
     6. What is the difference between Earth’s atmosphere and that
of Mars?
     7. Has the Moon any atmosphere?
     8. What gas is essential to sustain life on the earth?
     9. What is the height of Mount Everest?
     10. What is the thickness of the atmosphere?
     11. How great is the pressure of the atmosphere?
     12. Why is the air denser in the lower layers?
     13. Why it is so difficult to breathe at the top of a high mountain?
