Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование - 26 стр.


300 êèëîìåòðîâ âîçäóõà íåò. 16. Ó ïîáåðåæüÿ Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè
ìíîãî îñòðîâîâ.
XVII. Îïðåäåëèòå ôóíêöèè ñëîâ ñ îêîí÷àíèåì — ed
This farm is supplied with modern machinery. 2. Plants are used
by domestic animals as fodder. 3. Minerals and nitrogen are obtained
by plants from simple salts. 4. Seeds produced by this plant the first
year were sown the next year. 5. The soil cultivated properly produces
high yields every year. 6. Minerals and nitrogen obtained by the plants
can be found in the watery solution of simple salts. 7. Today our
students have studied the principal parts of the plants. 8. We have
obtained high yields of winter and spring wheat this year.
XVIII. Âûáåðèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé ðóññêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
1. in point 1. çàòåì
2. as a whole 2. ñëåäóåò ïðåäâèäåòü
3. to do away with 3. äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû
4. to keep abreast to 4. à èìåííî
5. accordingly 5. ðàññìàòðèâàåìûé
6. view-point 6. â òî æå âðåìÿ
7. should forsee 7. èçáàâèòüñÿ îò
8. to be able to solve 8. øàãàòü â íîãó
the problem
9. at the same time 9. â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ýòèì
10. in the next place 10. â öåëîì
11. namely 11. òî÷êà çðåíèÿ
12. in order to 12. áûòü â ñîñòîÿíèè ðåøèòü çàäà÷ó
XIX. Ïðî÷èòàéòå, ïåðåâåäèòå è çàïîìíèòå ñëåäóþùèå
âûäåëåííûå ñèíîíèìè÷íûå ñëîâà:
Meaning [‘mi:ni ] — çíà÷åíèå, ñìûñë
1. This avalanche spells disaster for the expedition.
2 There was no sense in continuing the search.
3. The word «charge» has a lot of senses.
4. Do you get the drift of his speech?
5. The import of this hypothesis is concerned with well known
6. The formula s/t gives us a value of the speed.
7. The purport of their publication is that our earth was originally
a huge mass of flaming gas.
8. He knew English enough to get the tenor of the article.
9. Does this high wind singnify a change in the weather?
300 êèëîìåòðîâ âîçäóõà íåò. 16. Ó ïîáåðåæüÿ Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè
ìíîãî îñòðîâîâ.
     XVII. Îïðåäåëèòå ôóíêöèè ñëîâ ñ îêîí÷àíèåì — ed
     This farm is supplied with modern machinery. 2. Plants are used
by domestic animals as fodder. 3. Minerals and nitrogen are obtained
by plants from simple salts. 4. Seeds produced by this plant the first
year were sown the next year. 5. The soil cultivated properly produces
high yields every year. 6. Minerals and nitrogen obtained by the plants
can be found in the watery solution of simple salts. 7. Today our
students have studied the princi pal parts of the plants. 8. We have
obtained high yields of winter and spring wheat this year.
     XVIII. Âûáåðèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé ðóññêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
     1. in point                 1. çàòåì
     2. as a whole               2. ñëåäóåò ïðåäâèäåòü
     3. to do away with          3. äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû
     4. to keep abreast to       4. à èìåííî
     5. accordingly              5. ðàññìàòðèâàåìûé
     6. view-point               6. â òî æå âðåìÿ
     7. should forsee            7. èçáàâèòüñÿ îò
     8. to be able to solve      8. øàãàòü â íîãó
     the problem
     9. at the same time         9. â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ýòèì
     10. in the next place       10. â öåëîì
     11. namely                  11. òî÷êà çðåíèÿ
     12. in order to             12. áûòü â ñîñòîÿíèè ðåøèòü çàäà÷ó
     XIX. Ïðî÷èòàéòå, ïåðåâåäèòå è çàïîìíèòå ñëåäóþùèå
âûäåëåííûå ñèíîíèìè÷íûå ñëîâà:
     Meaning [‘mi:ni ] — çíà÷åíèå, ñìûñë
     1. This avalanche spells disaster for the expedition.
     2 There was no sense in continuing the search.
     3. The word «charge» has a lot of senses.
     4. Do you get the drift of his speech?
     5. The import of this hypothesis is concerned with well known
     6. The formula s/t gives us a value of the speed.
     7. The purport of their publication is that our earth was originally
a huge mass of flaming gas.
     8. He knew English enough to get the tenor of the article.
     9. Does this high wind singnify a change in the weather?
