Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование - 25 стр.


damaged the environment in one area, he could always find a new
region. 4. The used water should not be discharged into water courses.
5. The earth and air should be taken care of. 6. People of all countries
might save the planet and make it safer for life. 7. One can say that
man is at once the master and slave of nature.
XV. Çàïîìíèòå ôóíêöèè ‘It’:
1. ëè÷íîå ìåñòîèìåíèå (îí, îíà, îíî);
2. óêàçàòåëüíîå (ýòî);
3. áåçëè÷íîå (íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ: It is known — èçâåñòíî);
4. óñèëèòåëüíîå (It is he ... who ... — èìåííî îí);
1. He has made it as a geologist.
2. Volgograd is beatiful city, isn’t it?
3. It was the great Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky who
first realized the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere.
4. It is two years since I saw him.
5 It is known that a jet plane burns 35 tons of oxygen in crossing
the Atlantic.
6. It was an unexpected discovery: there are limits in nature.
7. He doesn’t speak English but he understands it.
8. It is known that water is one of the most vital substances for
man’s life.
9. Is is a long way to the river.
10. If it is difficult for you to picture the earth as a ball you must
use a globe.
11. It was the activity of life beings of biosphere that formed the
chemical composition of water, air and soil and influenced the
formation of minerals, rocks and the relief of the Earth.
XVI. Ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê, îáðàùàÿ
âíèìàíèå íà óïîòðåáëåíèå îáîðîòà there is (there are).
1. Â âîçäóõå åñòü âîäÿíûå ïàðû. 2. Êðîìå çåìëè åñòü íåáåñíûå
òåëà, êîòîðûå âðàùàþòñÿ âîêðóã ñîëíöà. 3. Â íåáå ìèëëèîíû çâåçä.
4. Â íàøåé ñòðàíå ìíîãî ãîð. 5. Åñòü ìíîãî ñïîñîáîâ äîêàçàòü, ÷òî
çåìëÿ — øàð. 6. Íà çåìëå øåñòü êîíòèíåíòîâ. 7. Â þæíîì
ïîëóøàðèè åñòü êîíòèíåíò, êîòîðûé íàçûâàåòñÿ Àíòàðêòèäîé.
8. Íà ýêâàòîðå åñòü çîíà íèçêîãî äàâëåíèÿ. 9. Â ýêñïåäèöèè Êîëóìáà
áûëî 33 ìàëåíüêèõ êîðàáëÿ. 10. Íà âåðøèíå ýòîé ãîðû íåò äåðåâüåâ.
11.  Åâðîïåéñêîé ÷àñòè íàøåé ñòðàíû ìíîãî ðàâíèí. 12.  ýòîé
ñòàòüå íåò íè÷åãî èíòåðåñíîãî. 13.  îêåàíîãðàôèè ìíîãî
èíòåðåñíûõ ïðîáëåì. 14. Â ýòîé êíèãå ñòî ñòðàíèö. 15. Íà âûñîòå
damaged the environment in one area, he could always find a new
region. 4. The used water should not be discharged into water courses.
5. The earth and air should be taken care of. 6. People of all countries
might save the planet and make it safer for life. 7. One can say that
man is at once the master and slave of nature.
       XV. Çàïîìíèòå ôóíêöèè ‘It’:
       1. ëè÷íîå ìåñòîèìåíèå (îí, îíà, îíî);
       2. óêàçàòåëüíîå (ýòî);
       3. áåçëè÷íîå (íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ: It is known — èçâåñòíî);
       4. óñèëèòåëüíîå (It is he ... who ... — èìåííî îí);
       1. He has made it as a geologist.
       2. Volgograd is beatiful city, isn’t it?
       3. It was the great Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky who
first realized the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere.
       4. It is two years since I saw him.
       5 It is known that a jet plane burns 35 tons of oxygen in crossing
the Atlantic.
       6. It was an unexpected discovery: there are limits in nature.
       7. He doesn’t speak English but he understands it.
       8. It is known that water is one of the most vital substances for
man’s life.
       9. Is is a long way to the river.
       10. If it is difficult for you to picture the earth as a ball you must
use a globe.
       11. It was the activity of life beings of biosphere that formed the
chemical composition of water, air and soil and influenced the
formation of minerals, rocks and the relief of the Earth.
       XVI. Ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê, îáðàùàÿ
       âíèìàíèå íà óïîòðåáëåíèå îáîðîòà there is (there are).
       1. Â âîçäóõå åñòü âîäÿíûå ïàðû. 2. Êðîìå çåìëè åñòü íåáåñíûå
òåëà, êîòîðûå âðàùàþòñÿ âîêðóã ñîëíöà. 3. Â íåáå ìèëëèîíû çâåçä.
4. Â íàøåé ñòðàíå ìíîãî ãîð. 5. Åñòü ìíîãî ñïîñîáîâ äîêàçàòü, ÷òî
çåìëÿ — øàð. 6. Íà çåìëå øåñòü êîíòèíåíòîâ. 7. Â þæíîì
ïîëóøàðèè åñòü êîíòèíåíò, êîòîðûé íàçûâàåòñÿ Àíòàðêòèäîé.
8. Íà ýêâàòîðå åñòü çîíà íèçêîãî äàâëåíèÿ. 9. Â ýêñïåäèöèè Êîëóìáà
áûëî 33 ìàëåíüêèõ êîðàáëÿ. 10. Íà âåðøèíå ýòîé ãîðû íåò äåðåâüåâ.
11.  Åâðîïåéñêîé ÷àñòè íàøåé ñòðàíû ìíîãî ðàâíèí. 12.  ýòîé
ñòàòüå íåò íè÷åãî èíòåðåñíîãî. 13.  îêåàíîãðàôèè ìíîãî
èíòåðåñíûõ ïðîáëåì. 14. Â ýòîé êíèãå ñòî ñòðàíèö. 15. Íà âûñîòå
