The travellers went into the wood. Ïóòåøåñòâåííèêè âîøëè â ëåñ.
We went out of the wood. Ìû âûøëè èç ëåñà.
We went through the wood. Ìû øëè ÷åðåç ëåñ.
They were walking about the town. Îíè áðîäèëè ïî ãîðîäó.
A boat sailed down the Volga. Ïî Âîëãå ïëûëà ëîäêà.
He went up the stairs. Îí ïîäíÿëñÿ ïî ëåñòíèöå.
He walked round the statue. Îí îáîøåë ñòàòóþ êðóãîì.
They were driving toward volcano. Îíè åõàëè ê âóëêàíó.
The steamer sailed along the coast. Ïàðîõîä ïëûë âäîëü áåðåãà.
XVI. Ñãðóïïèðóéòå ñèíîíèìû, ïåðåâåäèòå èõ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê:
amount, little, the same, exactly, to compose, similar, to indi-
cate, to vary, precisely, to show, to make up, to differ, small, quan-
tity, as, well-known, because, familiar, on condition that, provided.
XVII. Ñãðóïïèðóéòå àíòîíèìû, ïåðåâåäèòå èõ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê:
rich, warm, to fall, dissolved, poor, slowly, cold, undissolved,
quickly, above, far, come into, near, come out, below, to rise.
XVIII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëîâà â ñêîáêàõ íà àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê,
ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê:
1. –273° is the lowest temperature that (ìîæåò ñóùåñòâîâàòü).
2. At –273° the molecules are (íåïîäâèæíû). 3. One has to remem-
ber that this law (íå ïðèìåíèì) for very low temperatures. 4. This
formula (ìîæåò áûòü íàïèñàíà) from the proportions and physical
(ñâîéñòâ) of component gases. 5. We know that gas (ðàñøèðÿåòñÿ)
as the temperature (ïîâûøàåòñÿ). 6. The volume of (äàííîãî
êîëè÷åñòâà ãàçà) varies (ïðÿìî ïðîïîðöèîíàëüíî) with the ab-
solute temperature, provided that there is no change (â äàâëåíèè).
XIX. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìà-
íèå íà ïåðåâîä ãëàãîëà to have:
1. The scientists have many problems to investigate. 2. When the
composition had dissolved much heat liberated. 3. One has to re-
member that this reaction is followed by an explosion. 4. They have
already completed this experiment. 5. We had to use a catalyst to
accelerate the reaction. 6. Let's have a rest when this job is finished.
7. Somebody will have to make a report on this subject. 8. You'll have
to shorten the manuscript before giving it to the printing shop. 9 . D o
The travellers went into the wood. Ïóòåøåñòâåííèêè âîøëè â ëåñ. We went out of the wood. Ìû âûøëè èç ëåñà. We went through the wood. Ìû øëè ÷åðåç ëåñ. They were walking about the town. Îíè áðîäèëè ïî ãîðîäó. A boat sailed down the Volga. Ïî Âîëãå ïëûëà ëîäêà. He went up the stairs. Îí ïîäíÿëñÿ ïî ëåñòíèöå. He walked round the statue. Îí îáîøåë ñòàòóþ êðóãîì. They were driving toward volcano. Îíè åõàëè ê âóëêàíó. The steamer sailed along the coast. Ïàðîõîä ïëûë âäîëü áåðåãà. XVI. Ñãðóïïèðóéòå ñèíîíèìû, ïåðåâåäèòå èõ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê: amount, little, the same, exactly, to compose, similar, to indi- cate, to vary, precisely, to show, to make up, to differ, small, quan- tity, as, well-known, because, familiar, on condition that, provided. XVII. Ñãðóïïèðóéòå àíòîíèìû, ïåðåâåäèòå èõ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê: rich, warm, to fall, dissolved, poor, slowly, cold, undissolved, quickly, above, far, come into, near, come out, below, to rise. XVIII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëîâà â ñêîáêàõ íà àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê, ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê: 1. –273° is the lowest temperature that (ìîæåò ñóùåñòâîâàòü). 2. At –273° the molecules are (íåïîäâèæíû). 3. One has to remem- ber that this law (íå ïðèìåíèì) for very low temperatures. 4. This formula (ìîæåò áûòü íàïèñàíà) from the proportions and physical (ñâîéñòâ) of component gases. 5. We know that gas (ðàñøèðÿåòñÿ) as the temperature (ïîâûøàåòñÿ). 6. The volume of (äàííîãî êîëè÷åñòâà ãàçà) varies (ïðÿìî ïðîïîðöèîíàëüíî) with the ab- solute temperature, provided that there is no change (â äàâëåíèè). XIX. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìà- íèå íà ïåðåâîä ãëàãîëà to have: 1. The scientists have many problems to investigate. 2. When the composition had dissolved much heat liberated. 3. One has to re- member that this reaction is followed by an explosion. 4. They have already completed this experiment. 5. We had to use a catalyst to accelerate the reaction. 6. Let's have a rest when this job is finished. 7. Somebody will have to make a report on this subject. 8. You'll have to shorten the manuscri pt before giving it to the printing shop. 9. Do 15
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