Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 17 стр.


XXIII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíè-
ìàíèå íà ñîþçû provided, if, whether:
1. Engineers reported that a miniature video camera provided the
latest submersible with vision. 2. The speed of a satellite would be less
provided it moved at a greater distance from the earth. 3. Drivers
don't know yet whether radars will be mounted on the next car
model. 4. If the weather is too bad for flying, passenger airplanes
don't leave airports. 5. It was very important to find out if electricity
could be used for long distance communication. 6. During the entire
flight, the pilot provided with all the necessary information about
weather conditions. 7. Modern submersibles can remain at the depth
of 6000 metres for eight hours or, if needed, as long as two or three
days. 8. A new system for motor cars can be provided with infrared
sensors that can detect a human figure at night. 9. If underwater
tourism continued to develop at present rate, the number of pas-
sengers could grow up to millions in only a few years.
Unit 7
We call our world «the earth», but really nearly three quarters
of its surface is covered by the deep waters of the great oceans. The
land surface of the globe is well known today, but we do not know
much about the bed of the sea, particularly the floor of the deep
In the past years four large oceanographic expeditions from
various countries studied ocean depths. Three of them — the Swed-
ish, the Danish and the British expeditions — were «round-the-
world» expeditions.
The Russian expedition on the «Vityaz» worked on a smaller
area in the North-West Pacific. Sent by an Institute of Academy of
Science, the motor-ship «Vityaz» was equipped for exploration of
the sea at any depth. It had all the necessary instruments — hydrolog-
ical, hydrochemical and geological. Sixty scientists could live and
work on the «Vityaz». It had 14 fully equipped laboratories. The
      XXIII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíè-
ìàíèå íà ñîþçû provided, if, whether:
      1. Engineers reported that a miniature video camera provided the
latest submersible with vision. 2. The speed of a satellite would be less
provided it moved at a greater distance from the earth. 3. Drivers
don't know yet whether radars will be mounted on the next car
model. 4. If the weather is too bad for flying, passenger airplanes
don't leave airports. 5. It was very important to find out if electricity
could be used for long distance communication. 6. During the entire
flight, the pilot provided with all the necessary information about
weather conditions. 7. Modern submersibles can remain at the depth
of 6000 metres for eight hours or, if needed, as long as two or three
days. 8. A new system for motor cars can be provided with infrared
sensors that can detect a human figure at night. 9. If underwater
tourism continued to develop at present rate, the number of pas-
sengers could grow up to millions in only a few years.

                                 Unit 7

      We call our world «the earth», but really nearly three quarters
of its surface is covered by the deep waters of the great oceans. The
land surface of the globe is well known today, but we do not know
much about the bed of the sea, particularly the floor of the deep
      In the past years four large oceanographic expeditions from
various countries studied ocean depths. Three of them — the Swed-
ish, the Danish and the British expeditions — were «round-the-
world» expeditions.
      The Russian expedition on the «Vityaz» worked on a smaller
area in the North-West Pacific. Sent by an Institute of Academy of
Science, the motor-shi p «Vityaz» was equi pped for exploration of
the sea at any depth. It had all the necessary instruments — hydrolog-
ical, hydrochemical and geological. Sixty scientists could live and
work on the «Vityaz». It had 14 fully equi pped laboratories. The
