Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 29 стр.


Jugoslav ['ju:gou'sla:v] - þãîñëàâ, þãîñëàâñêèé
Belgrade [bel'greid] - Áåëãðàä
Poland ['poul nd] (the Polish Republic) - Ïîëüøà
Polish ['pouli ] - ïîëÿê, ïîëüñêèé
Warsaw ['w :s :] - Âàðøàâà
Portugal ['p :tjug l] (the Portugese Republic) - Ïîðòóãàëèÿ
Portugal ['p :tjug l] - ïîðòóãàëåö, ïîðòóãàëüñêèé
Lisbon ['lizb n] - Ëèññàáîí
Rumania [ru:'meinj ] (the Republic of Rumania) - Ðóìûíèÿ
Rumanian [ru:'meinj n] - ðóìûí, ðóìûíñêèé
Bucharest ['bju:k rest] - Áóõàðåñò
Spain [spein] - Èñïàíèÿ
Spaniard ['sp nj d] - èñïàíåö, èñïàíñêèé
Madrid [m 'drid] - Ìàäðèä
Sweden ['swi:dn] (the Kingdom of Sweden) - Øâåöèÿ
Swedish ['swi:di ] - øâåä, øâåäñêèé
Stockholm ['st khoum] - Ñòîêãîëüì
Switzerland ['swits l nd] (the Federal Republic of Switzerland)
- Øâåéöàðèÿ
Swiss [swis] - øâåéöàðåö, øâåéöàðñêèé
Geneva [d i'ni:v ] - Æåíåâà
Turkey ['t :ki] (the Republic of Turkey) - Òóðöèÿ
Ankara [' :nk :r :] - Àíêàðà
the Ukraine [ju:'krein] (the Ukrainian Republic) - Óêðàèíà
Kiev ['ki:ev] - Êèåâ
United States of America (the) - Ñîåäèíåííûå Øòàòû Àìåðèêè
Washington ['w int n] - Âàøèíãòîí
XIV. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû:
1. What apparatuses are used for exploring the ocean beds at
present? (non-military submersibles). 2. What countries are develop-
ing such submersibles? (Russia, the USA, France and Japan). 3. What
kind of submersible is being designed? (an advanced manned sub-
mersible). 4. What is the depth it is capable to submerge to? (7000
metres). 5. What motor is used in it? (a battery-operated electric
motor). 6. What devices are provided for collecting samples from the
ocean floor? (robotic manipulators). 7. What is the practical applica-
tion of the submersible? (cultivating sea plants, fish and pearls).
Jugoslav ['ju:gou'sla:v]      - þãîñëàâ, þãîñëàâñêèé
Belgrade    [bel'greid]       - Áåëãðàä
Poland      ['poul nd] (the Polish Republic) - Ïîëüøà
Polish      ['pouli ]         - ïîëÿê, ïîëüñêèé
Warsaw      ['w :s :]         - Âàðøàâà
Portugal    ['p :tjug l] (the Portugese Republic) - Ïîðòóãàëèÿ
Portugal    ['p :tjug l]      - ïîðòóãàëåö, ïîðòóãàëüñêèé
Lisbon      ['lizb n]         - Ëèññàáîí
Rumania     [ru:'meinj ] (the Republic of Rumania) - Ðóìûíèÿ
Rumanian [ru:'meinj n]        - ðóìûí, ðóìûíñêèé
Bucharest ['bju:k rest]       - Áóõàðåñò
Spain       [spein]           - Èñïàíèÿ
Spaniard    ['sp nj d]        - èñïàíåö, èñïàíñêèé
Madrid      [m 'drid]         - Ìàäðèä
Sweden      ['swi:dn] (the Kingdom of Sweden) - Øâåöèÿ
Swedish     ['swi:di ]        - øâåä, øâåäñêèé
Stockholm ['st khoum]         - Ñòîêãîëüì
Switzerland ['swits l nd] (the Federal Republic of Switzerland)
                              - Øâåéöàðèÿ
Swiss       [swis]            - øâåéöàðåö, øâåéöàðñêèé
Geneva      [d i'ni:v ]       - Æåíåâà
Turkey      ['t :ki] (the Republic of Turkey) - Òóðöèÿ
Ankara      [' :nk :r :]      - Àíêàðà
the Ukraine [ju:'krein] (the Ukrainian Republic) - Óêðàèíà
Kiev        ['ki:ev]          - Êèåâ
United States of America (the) - Ñîåäèíåííûå Øòàòû Àìåðèêè
Washington ['w int n]         - Âàøèíãòîí

      XIV. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû:
      1. What apparatuses are used for exploring the ocean beds at
present? (non-military submersibles). 2. What countries are develop-
ing such submersibles? (Russia, the USA, France and Japan). 3. What
kind of submersible is being designed? (an advanced manned sub-
mersible). 4. What is the depth it is capable to submerge to? (7000
metres). 5. What motor is used in it? (a battery-operated electric
motor). 6. What devices are provided for collecting samples from the
ocean floor? (robotic mani pulators). 7.What is the practical applica-
tion of the submersible? (cultivating sea plants, fish and pearls).
