Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 55 стр.


surging sea, sweet water, nature of the bottom, pleasure launch,
drawing compass, north circle, equatorial circumference of the Earth,
polar circumference of the Earth, weather gauge, marking bound-
aries, sampling apparatus, measurement of precipitation.
XVI. Óêàæèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé ðóññêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
1. introduce 1. îòíîñèòüñÿ, èìåòü îòíîøåíèå
2. essential 2. ðàññìàòðèâàòü, ñ÷èòàòü
3. govern 3. âíåäðÿòü
4. outstanding 4. ñìåøèâàòü
5. create 5. âàæíûé, ñóùåñòâåííûé
6. mix 6. óïðàâëÿòü
7. relate 7. ñîçäàâàòü, òâîðèòü
8. consider 8. âûäàþùèéñÿ
XVII. Óêàæèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé àíãëèéñêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
1. ïîäâåðãàòüñÿ 1. opportunity
2. ïîçâîëÿòü 2. oscillate
3. ïðåäñòàâëÿòü 3. keep records
4. êîëåáàòüñÿ 4. undergo
5. íà÷àëî 5. make possible
6. óñòóïàòü äîðîãó 6. origin
7. âîçìîæíîñòü 7. represent
8. âåñòè çàïèñü 8. give way to
Unit 10
More and more people — physicists, seismologists, archaeolo-
gists and other scientists — are visiting the Pamirs, one of the earth's
highest mountain systems.
The Pamirs are natural laboratory for the study of cosmic radi-
ation, which is being studied at the high mountain research camp
at Ak-Akhrar, nearly 3.5 miles above the sea level.
Tadjikistan is also one of the most earthquake prone part of the
world. In fact, there are weak underground tremors practically every
surging sea, sweet water, nature of the bottom, pleasure launch,
drawing compass, north circle, equatorial circumference of the Earth,
polar circumference of the Earth, weather gauge, marking bound-
aries, sampling apparatus, measurement of preci pitation.

     XVI. Óêàæèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé ðóññêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
     1. introduce       1. îòíîñèòüñÿ, èìåòü îòíîøåíèå
     2. essential       2. ðàññìàòðèâàòü, ñ÷èòàòü
     3. govern          3. âíåäðÿòü
     4. outstanding     4. ñìåøèâàòü
     5. create          5. âàæíûé, ñóùåñòâåííûé
     6. mix             6. óïðàâëÿòü
     7. relate          7. ñîçäàâàòü, òâîðèòü
     8. consider        8. âûäàþùèéñÿ

     XVII. Óêàæèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé àíãëèéñêèé ýêâèâàëåíò:
     1. ïîäâåðãàòüñÿ    1. opportunity
     2. ïîçâîëÿòü       2. oscillate
     3. ïðåäñòàâëÿòü    3. keep records
     4. êîëåáàòüñÿ      4. undergo
     5. íà÷àëî          5. make possible
     6. óñòóïàòü äîðîãó 6. origin
     7. âîçìîæíîñòü     7. represent
     8. âåñòè çàïèñü     8. give way to

                               Unit 10
                          THE PAMIRS

      More and more people — physicists, seismologists, archaeolo-
gists and other scientists — are visiting the Pamirs, one of the earth's
highest mountain systems.
      The Pamirs are natural laboratory for the study of cosmic radi-
ation, which is being studied at the high mountain research camp
at Ak-Akhrar, nearly 3.5 miles above the sea level.
      Tadjikistan is also one of the most earthquake prone part of the
world. In fact, there are weak underground tremors practically every