day; middling ones about once a year; severe ones every few years;
and really destructive ones every few decades.
The Pamirs are extremely rich in power resources, for they
are the source of powerful mountain rivers like the Vakhsh.
Archaeologists recently made an amazing discovery in the
Pamirs — the remains of a 10—12th century mining town, high
above the clouds.
This town is 12,540 feet above sea level, and graves have been
found containing a great quantity of things which throw much light
on the history of the area.
Botanists find the Pamirs highly interesting, and recently ten
expeditions have been working in different parts of the Gorno-Bada-
khshan Autonomous Region. One of the world's highest botanical
gardens is just outside Khorog, capital of the region. Its plan in-
cludes study of medical herbs and observation of the effect of ultra-
violet rays on the growth of trees and other plants.
The Pamirs are the largest glacial zone in the world, so nat-
urally glaciologists find them interesting. There are more than a
thousand glaciers, one of which, the Fedchenko, is more than 44
miles long.
Hydrographers study the snow cover on the mountains, for
agriculture in Central Asia depends on the amount of water in the
mountains brought down by its chief rivers, the Amu Darya and the
Syr Darya.
Finally, the Pamirs have a particular interest for studying lan-
guages. The area is a kind of linguistic museum in which many «dead»
Iranian languages still live.
earthquake [' : kweik] - çåìëåòðÿñåíèå
prone [proun] - ðàñïðîñòåðòûé, ñêëîííûé
underground [ nd 'graund] - ïîäçåìíûé
tremor ['trem ] - äðîæü, òðåïåò
middle ['midl] - ñðåäíèé
severe [si'vi ] - ñèëüíûé, ñòðîãèé, ñóðîâûé
destructive [dis'tr ktiv] - ðàçðóøèòåëüíûé
decade ['dek d] - äåñÿòèëåòèå
extremely [iks'tri:mli] - ÷ðåçâû÷àéíî, êðàéíå
day; middling ones about once a year; severe ones every few years; and really destructive ones every few decades. The Pamirs are extremely rich in power resources, for they are the source of powerful mountain rivers like the Vakhsh. Archaeologists recently made an amazing discovery in the Pamirs — the remains of a 10—12th century mining town, high above the clouds. This town is 12,540 feet above sea level, and graves have been found containing a great quantity of things which throw much light on the history of the area. Botanists find the Pamirs highly interesting, and recently ten expeditions have been working in different parts of the Gorno-Bada- khshan Autonomous Region. One of the world's highest botanical gardens is just outside Khorog, capital of the region. Its plan in- cludes study of medical herbs and observation of the effect of ultra- violet rays on the growth of trees and other plants. The Pamirs are the largest glacial zone in the world, so nat- urally glaciologists find them interesting. There are more than a thousand glaciers, one of which, the Fedchenko, is more than 44 miles long. Hydrographers study the snow cover on the mountains, for agriculture in Central Asia depends on the amount of water in the mountains brought down by its chief rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. Finally, the Pamirs have a particular interest for studying lan- guages. The area is a kind of linguistic museum in which many «dead» Iranian languages still live. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY earthquake [' : kweik] - çåìëåòðÿñåíèå prone [proun] - ðàñïðîñòåðòûé, ñêëîííûé underground [ nd 'graund] - ïîäçåìíûé tremor ['trem ] - äðîæü, òðåïåò middle ['midl] - ñðåäíèé severe [si'vi ] - ñèëüíûé, ñòðîãèé, ñóðîâûé destructive [dis'tr ktiv] - ðàçðóøèòåëüíûé decade ['dek d] - äåñÿòèëåòèå extremely [iks'tri:mli] - ÷ðåçâû÷àéíî, êðàéíå 56
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