Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 8 стр.


the symposium. 22. Recent discoveries have been greatly assisted by
the development of the research technique. 23. Any deduction is
usually preceded by a number of experiments and observations. 24. We
were informed that a new idea had been advanced at the closing
session. 25. More recently some of the results were shown in a sim-
plified form.
II. Âûáåðèòå ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèÿ, â êîòîðûõ îáúåêò íàõîäèò-
ñÿ â: à) Active Voice, b) Passive Voice.
Saturn is surrounded..., Mars aroses much interest..., small
bodies located..., Jupiter is the giant..., students study..., they are
taught, the scientists has been working..., the experiment has been
made..., the discovery is much spoken about..., the table was re-
ferred to..., the problem will be dealt with..., the article deals with...,
the exercises are being done..., the documents had been signed...,
the question was being discussed... .
III. Ïîñòàâüòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ â Passive Voice:
1. Our scientific knowledge determine the entire industrial and
agricultural structure. 2. Our immense industrial complex requre an
army of highly trained men and women for its mere maintenance to
say nothing about its further development. 3. After World War II
public attention throughout the world attracted to atomic and hy-
drogen bombs. 4. More recently we focused our attention on satel-
lites, spaceplatforms, and intercontinental ballistic missiles. 5. Sci-
ence more and more deeply involves in military problems. 6. In con-
nection with these facts we must face and solve many pressing prob-
lems. 7. Natural sciences are more and more influence with our life.
8. Many examples can illusrate this idea. 9. Science has invented count-
less devices giving comfort to us. 10. Science and technology have
materially and intellectually created the world surrounding us. 11. They
said me that a big fish had been caught in the river. 12. The wind soon
dispelled the fog. 13. He dispatched the wounded deer. 14. She dis-
played no signs of emotion.
IV. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïàðû ïàññèâíûõ êîíñòðóêöèé:
1. a) He was asked to bring his drawings. b) He was told to sign
his report.
the symposium. 22. Recent discoveries have been greatly assisted by
the development of the research technique. 23. Any deduction is
usually preceded by a number of experiments and observations. 24. We
were informed that a new idea had been advanced at the closing
session. 25. More recently some of the results were shown in a sim-
plified form.

      II. Âûáåðèòå ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèÿ, â êîòîðûõ îáúåêò íàõîäèò-
ñÿ â: à) Active Voice, b) Passive Voice.
      Saturn is surrounded..., Mars aroses much interest..., small
bodies located..., Jupiter is the giant..., students study..., they are
taught, the scientists has been working..., the experiment has been
made..., the discovery is much spoken about..., the table was re-
ferred to..., the problem will be dealt with..., the article deals with...,
the exercises are being done..., the documents had been signed...,
the question was being discussed... .

       III. Ïîñòàâüòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ â Passive Voice:
       1. Our scientific knowledge determine the entire industrial and
agricultural structure. 2. Our immense industrial complex requre an
army of highly trained men and women for its mere maintenance to
say nothing about its further development. 3. After World War II
public attention throughout the world attracted to atomic and hy-
drogen bombs. 4. More recently we focused our attention on satel-
lites, spaceplatforms, and intercontinental ballistic missiles. 5. Sci-
ence more and more deeply involves in military problems. 6. In con-
nection with these facts we must face and solve many pressing prob-
lems. 7. Natural sciences are more and more influence with our life.
8. Many examples can illusrate this idea. 9. Science has invented count-
less devices giving comfort to us. 10. Science and technology have
materially and intellectually created the world surrounding us. 11. They
said me that a big fish had been caught in the river. 12. The wind soon
dispelled the fog. 13. He dispatched the wounded deer. 14. She dis-
played no signs of emotion.

     IV. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïàðû ïàññèâíûõ êîíñòðóêöèé:
      1. a) He was asked to bring his drawings. b) He was told to sign
his report.