Методические указания по изучению грамматики английского языка. Васильева Г.В - 90 стр.


1. His being invited to take part in this conference
is natural as everybody knows of his having
made a great number of experiments in physics.
2. The engineer told us about his having been
invited to that research institute.
3. The engineer’s having constructed a new type of
the device was not known to us.
4. In spite of the semiconductor diodes being
important they were little used at the beginning
of the century.
5. The term “semiconductor” has been chosen
because of its occupying
an intermediate place
between metals and insulators.
6. His being sent
to Moscow was very important
for his work.
7. We all know of their designing
a new type of
semiconductor radio-set.
8. Our engineer’s taking part
in the development of
the new programming system was of great help
to us.
9. The Curies’ having discovered
radium gave
them the possibility of discovering other
radioactive elements.
10. After the young scientist’s report having been
discussed at the conference it was published in a
scientific journal.
to invite –
semiconductor –
in spite of …–
несмотря на то,
to choose (chose,
chosen) –
occupy –
intermediate –
insulator –
1.   His being invited to take part in this conference    to invite –
     is natural as everybody knows of his having          приглашать;
     made a great number of experiments in physics.       semiconductor –
2.   The engineer told us about his having been           полупроводник
     invited to that research institute.                  in spite of …–
3.   The engineer’s having constructed a new type of      несмотря на то,
     the device was not known to us.                      что…;
                                                         to choose (chose,
4.   In spite of the semiconductor diodes being so
                                                          chosen) –
     important they were little used at the beginning
     of the century.
                                                          occupy –
5.   The term “semiconductor” has been chosen             занимать;
     because of its occupying an intermediate place
                                                          intermediate –
     between metals and insulators.
6.   His being sent to Moscow was very important          insulator –
     for his work.                                        изолятор
7.   We all know of their designing a new type of
     semiconductor radio-set.
8.   Our engineer’s taking part in the development of
     the new programming system was of great help
     to us.
9.   The Curies’ having discovered radium gave
     them the possibility of discovering other
     radioactive elements.
10. After the young scientist’s report having been
    discussed at the conference it was published in a
    scientific journal.