Английский язык. Зайцева И.А. - 11 стр.



Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 3. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.
to energize - пропускать ток;
operation of points and signals - управление стрелками и сигналами;
a stop signal – запрещающий (закрытый) сигнал;
to complete a circuit – замыкать цепь;
voltage – напряжение;
low voltage current – ток низкого напряжения;
to run current - пропускать ток;
to set a signal (to danger/caution) – устанавливать предупреждающий / запрещающий
rear – хвост поезда;
a rail joint – рельсовый стык;
insulated fishplate – изолирующий стык;
a running rail - ходовой рельс;
continuous welded rail – бесстыковой рельс;
resistance – сопротивление.
Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:
to adopt – принимать;
to remain – оставаться;
as soon as – как только;
to join – присоединять(ся), примыкать;
to interfere – влиять,
interference – влияние, помеха;
to detect – замечать, обнаруживать;
caution - предостережение.
Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. The first amendment adopted to the US Constitution was the amendment on the freedom of the press.
2. The director adopted the decision to arrange a meeting with former graduates of the school. 3. Much has been
done in information technology since 1960s but the basic principles of computer operation remain. 4. As soon
as you switch on the VCR it begins working. 5. As soon as you are ready please ask your tutor to see through
your test. 6. We are going to the country on the weekend. Will you join us? 7. The hyphen sign (-) can be used
to join two words together. 8. I wish you’d stop interfering. You’ve caused a lot of problems already. 9. He’s
made up his mind not to interfere in the way she was raising her children. 10. Track circuit must be protected
from electrical interference. 11. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as
0.003 degrees. 12. A caution must be added: although this experimental method works well, even the slightest
amount of water in the vessel will make it inaccurate.
Ex. 4. Put the, a(n) or – (no article) in each blank. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I hope that you will adopt … latest methods used by … our foreign colleagues. 2. Not much remained
of … house after … fire. 3. The doctors had to use … metal plate to join … two pieces of bone together.
4. Tony wanted … his mother’s … advice and … support, but not her interference. 5. … Geiger counter is
designed for detecting very small … differences in … radioactivity. 6. Everybody knows that … word
“CAUTION” on … back of … TV set means that you must be particularly careful with this apparatus.
Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.
The first important step in the development of modern signaling techniques was the replacement of
mechanical operation of points and signals by electrical control.