Banks and Money, Automobiles and Roads, Industry in Africa, Two Courses of Action. Агафонова И.Г. - 13 стр.



Industry in Africa (Text 2)
1. Industry doesnt play the primary role in the economy of Africa. 2. Drought, hun-
ger, diseases are characteristic if it. 3. They are coupled with a massive displacement
of population in search of food and water. 4. These factors held back its development.
5. Africa in 1960 accounted for about 8 per cent of the worlds population. 6. Its in-
come per head was 12 times less than in the industrialized countries. 7. Africa pos-
sesses 28 per cent of the estimated world electric power potential. 8. It has only one
per cent of installed capacity. 9. African employment in mining and manufacturing
was only one and a half million. 10. It is possible to classify its industries into ten in-
dustrial groupings. 11. They produce an approximate picture of the present state of
industrial development. 12. The groupings are: food, textiles, forest industries, non-
metallic minerals, metals, chemicals and fertilizers, metal products, mechanical in-
dustries, electrical industries, and transport equipment. 13. These groupings also
cover all that is likely possible for the next decades. 14. The number of industries var-
ies from 115 in the UAR to 3 in Mauritania. 15. There are nine countries in the top
quartile. 16. Nearly all African countries have installed the following industries: flour
milling, beer and beverages, clothing, boots and shoes, sawn wood and joinery, plas-
tic manufactures, soap, etc. 17. These are typical import substitution industries.
18. They produce consumer goods and simple intermediate goods. 19. The range of
food industries is great. 20. The specific industries depend on the agricultural re-
sources of the country in question.
V. Write out from the Text 2 the English equivalents for the following words and
1. главная роль, экономика ; 2. засуха , болезнь, быть характерным; 3. сочетаться ,
массовое перемещение, поиск; 4. сдерживать, развитие; 5. составлять, мировое
население; 6. доход на душу населения ; 7. владеть, оцениваемый мировой элек-
троэнергетический потенциал ; 8. установленная (наличная ) производственная
мощность; 9. занятость, горная добывающая и обрабатывающая отрасли про -
мышленности; 10. возможный, классифицировать, промышленная группа ;
11. представлять, приблизительный, состояние; 12. пищевая промышленность,
                               Industry in Africa (Text 2)
1. Industry doesn’t play the primary role in the economy of Africa. 2. Drought, hun-
ger, diseases are characteristic if it. 3. They are coupled with a massive displacement
of population in search of food and water. 4. These factors held back its development.
5. Africa in 1960 accounted for about 8 per cent of the world’s population. 6. Its in-
come per head was 12 times less than in the industrialized countries. 7. Africa pos-
sesses 28 per cent of the estimated world electric power potential. 8. It has only one
per cent of installed capacity. 9. African employment in mining and manufacturing
was only one and a half million. 10. It is possible to classify its industries into ten in-
dustrial groupings. 11. They produce an approximate picture of the present state of
industrial development. 12. The groupings are: food, textiles, forest industries, non-
metallic minerals, metals, chemicals and fertilizers, metal products, mechanical in-
dustries, electrical industries, and transport equipment. 13. These groupings also
cover all that is likely possible for the next decades. 14. The number of industries var-
ies from 115 in the UAR to 3 in Mauritania. 15. There are nine countries in the top
quartile. 16. Nearly all African countries have installed the following industries: flour
milling, beer and beverages, clothing, boots and shoes, sawn wood and joinery, plas-
tic manufactures, soap, etc.     17. These are typical import substitution industries.
18. They produce consumer goods and simple intermediate goods. 19. The range of
food industries is great. 20. The specific industries depend on the agricultural re-
sources of the country in question.
V.    Write out from the Text 2 the English equivalents for the following words and
1. главная роль, экономика; 2. засуха, болезнь, быть характерным; 3. сочетаться,
массовое перемещение, поиск; 4. сдерживать, развитие; 5. составлять, мировое
население; 6. доход на душу населения; 7. владеть, оцениваемый мировой элек-
троэнергетический потенциал; 8. установленная (наличная) производственная
мощность; 9. занятость, горная добывающая и обрабатывающая отрасли про-
мышленности; 10. возможный, классифицировать, промышленная группа;
11. представлять, приблизительный, состояние; 12. пищевая промышленность,