Методические указания по теме "Моя специальность" для студентов 2 курса архитектурно-строительного факультета. Анашкина Л.А - 17 стр.


2 .Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?
3 3. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?
4 What did the ancient Greeks use pillars for?
5 ls steel used as a building material?
6 What kinds of building materials do you know ?
2.3.4 Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:
Relics of Wooden Architecture
The carpenters of the ancient Russian city of Novgorod were famed for their skill.
Carpenters and builders, they erected peasant homes, fortress walls and towers,
windmills, churches, chapels and even palaces. They built thousands of villages and a
large number of towns mainly with axes. In old times practically all the buildings in
Novgorod were made of timber.
Relics of the carpenters' skill - art of truly folk origin - have been preserved to our
days. To establish the artistic worth of old structures a close study is made of all that
is left and of books and even legends passed on from generation to generation.
The rich finds led to the decision to collect and put in one place all the more
valuable works by unknown architects of the Novgorod area.
2   .Did ancient people use wood or bricks to build their houses?
3   3. What kinds of buildings did the ancient Egyptians erect?
4   What did the ancient Greeks use pillars for?
5   ls steel used as a building material?
6   What kinds of building materials do you know ?

    2.3.4 Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:

      Relics of Wooden Architecture

    The carpenters of the ancient Russian city of Novgorod were famed for their skill.
Carpenters and builders, they erected peasant homes, fortress walls and towers,
windmills, churches, chapels and even palaces. They built thousands of villages and a
large number of towns mainly with axes. In old times practically all the buildings in
Novgorod were made of timber.
    Relics of the carpenters' skill - art of truly folk origin - have been preserved to our
days. To establish the artistic worth of old structures a close study is made of all that
is left and of books and even legends passed on from generation to generation.
    The rich finds led to the decision to collect and put in one place all the more
valuable works by unknown architects of the Novgorod area.
