Практика перевода. Андросова М.А. - 74 стр.




3.8. Medicine and Biotechnology.
Упражнение 2. Переведите с русского языка:
leap in technology; custom-grown replacement organ; bacteriological laboratory;
incidence of the disease; out-patient clinic/medical walk-in center
Упражнение 2. Переведите с русского языка:
расшифровка генома человека; лекарственноустойчивая форма болезни;
стационарный/амбулаторный больной; группа повышенного риска
Упражнение 3. Переведите с английского языка:
How going into work with a cold could kill
Struggling into work with a cold is not an act of dedication but a short-cut to
heart disease, a study of British civil servants has found.
Employees who refuse to take time off when they are ill put strain on their
hearts that can double the risk of coronary problems, according to the occupational
health report.
Scientists from University College London examined the fitness and attendance
records of 10,000 Whitehall workers over ten years.
The results showed that between 30 and 40 per cent of those who continued to
work when ill – even when afflicted by a minor complaint such as the common cold –
later suffered twice the rate of heart disease.
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, head of the survey, said that “presenteeism”
leads to an increase in coronary heart disease. “So many people force themselves into
work when they are not well and have little knowledge of the consequences,” he said.
“Far from contributing to their companies or spreading a few germs around the
office, they could be hastening their own death.
“Among 30 to 40 per cent of the population, we found that those who were
unwell but took no absence at all from work had double the incidence of coronary
heart disease over the following years.”
Sir Michael added that the damage caused by working when unwell was not
affected by drinking or smoking.
Health specialists said that the study, to be broadcast on The Money Programme
on BBC Two on Wednesday, will provoke debate among employers’ organisations
over whether staff should be encouraged to take days off when unwell.
Paul Grime, a consultant in occupational medicine at the Royal Free Hospital in
London, said: “The findings do seem to further the argument that there is a link
between stress suffered by those who force themselves to go to work and coronary
heart disease.”
Some business leaders, however, challenged the conclusions of the government-
funded report. (by Ben Seppard, timesonline.co.uk/health)
Упражнение 4. Переведите с русского языка:
Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития подвело итоги
двухлетней диспансеризации. Обследованы тринадцать с половиной миллионов
граждан. Примерно у половины из них выявлены серьёзные заболевания, о
которых люди даже не подозревали.