Why Italians don’t Make Babies?
NCE upon a time, the Anglo-
Saxon cliche held that Italy stood
for love and passion; frequent and
frenzied sex, without, of course,
contraception; and, as a result, big
weddings, big families and loads of
children. How times – and images –
Italians have stopped making
babies; the nation is ageing fast;
and, according to the country's chief
statistical body, Italy has the lowest
fertility rate in the world. Women
now bear 1,2 babies apiece. Only
the Spaniards, in Western Europe, are as unproductive. At last count, in
1996, deaths had outpaced births for four years in a row. If Italy's
population is slightly up, it is thanks to the 178 000 immigrants who
took up legal residence two years ago.
Why? No explanation is definitive. Ever more Italian women
work, so have less time for bambini. North European women work just
as much, but mothers get more help: public nurseries, finance, holi-
days, husbands who (more often than in Italy) help in the house. But
there are anomalies. The region of Emilia Romagna, for instance, has
some of the best nurseries in the world but also Italy's lowest baby-
making rate. Perhaps the dearth is due to late-coming feminism: the
region is also Italy's most left-wing.
Ida Magli, an anthropologist, has come up with another reason:
childlessness no longer bears a stigma, and the social pressure to marry
and have children is much weaker. That applies even in the Mezzog-
iorno (Italy's poor and ultra-traditional south), where women are choos-
ing to have fewer babies.
In any event, the notion that impetuous Italians have unprotected
sex is false. It is some time since most Italians, even the good Catholics
among them, eschewed contraception.
One more possible explanation? Young Italians discovered yup-
piedom later than their American or French counterparts. But many of
them do now want to go dancing, travel and have a good time for many
more years than before. Marriage and babies can wait. And the two are
still more closely linked than in most other countries in Europe: only
6 % of Italian babies are born out of wedlock. But less than a third of
women now become mothers before they are 28. One Italian habit still
survives, and may also inhibit baby-making: the, "mammoni-phenome-
non". A lot of young adults – perhaps even more than before – still live
with their parents, partly because they cannot afford to live so com-
fortably on their own. Living with parents, however open-minded they
are, does tend to make you behave a bit more demurely with friends of
the other sex. And there is still, even in Italy, a connection between sex
and babies.
1. Vocabulary notes:
1) frenzied – бешеный, яростный, темпераментный
2) fertility – воспроизведение потомства
3) dearth – недостаток, нехватка (продуктов)
4) stigma – пятно позора, стигма
5) eschew – избегать, сторониться
6) yuppiedom – светская жизнь
7) inhibit – мешать, препятствовать, сдерживать
8) demurely – скромно, сдержанно
9) impetuous – порывистый, темпераментный
2. Answer the following questions.
1) Does the title of the text “Why Italians don’t make babies”
express its main idea?
2) What are the consequences of Italians have stopped making
3) Can Italian women employment be considered as a definitive
4) Is childlessness still believed to be shameful?
5) Do Italians postpone marriage and babies because of their
wish to have a good time?
6) What is “mammoni-phenomenon”?
Part II. ARTICLES FOR RENDERING One more possible explanation? Young Italians discovered yup- piedom later than their American or French counterparts. But many of Why Italians don’t Make Babies? them do now want to go dancing, travel and have a good time for many more years than before. Marriage and babies can wait. And the two are NCE upon a time, the Anglo- still more closely linked than in most other countries in Europe: only Saxon cliche held that Italy stood 6 % of Italian babies are born out of wedlock. But less than a third of for love and passion; frequent and women now become mothers before they are 28. One Italian habit still frenzied sex, without, of course, survives, and may also inhibit baby-making: the, "mammoni-phenome- contraception; and, as a result, big non". A lot of young adults – perhaps even more than before – still live weddings, big families and loads of with their parents, partly because they cannot afford to live so com- children. How times – and images – fortably on their own. Living with parents, however open-minded they change. are, does tend to make you behave a bit more demurely with friends of Italians have stopped making the other sex. And there is still, even in Italy, a connection between sex babies; the nation is ageing fast; and babies. and, according to the country's chief statistical body, Italy has the lowest 1. Vocabulary notes: fertility rate in the world. Women 1) frenzied – бешеный, яростный, темпераментный now bear 1,2 babies apiece. Only 2) fertility – воспроизведение потомства the Spaniards, in Western Europe, are as unproductive. At last count, in 3) dearth – недостаток, нехватка (продуктов) 1996, deaths had outpaced births for four years in a row. If Italy's 4) stigma – пятно позора, стигма population is slightly up, it is thanks to the 178 000 immigrants who 5) eschew – избегать, сторониться took up legal residence two years ago. 6) yuppiedom – светская жизнь Why? No explanation is definitive. Ever more Italian women 7) inhibit – мешать, препятствовать, сдерживать work, so have less time for bambini. North European women work just 8) demurely – скромно, сдержанно as much, but mothers get more help: public nurseries, finance, holi- 9) impetuous – порывистый, темпераментный days, husbands who (more often than in Italy) help in the house. But there are anomalies. The region of Emilia Romagna, for instance, has 2. Answer the following questions. some of the best nurseries in the world but also Italy's lowest baby- 1) Does the title of the text “Why Italians don’t make babies” making rate. Perhaps the dearth is due to late-coming feminism: the express its main idea? region is also Italy's most left-wing. 2) What are the consequences of Italians have stopped making Ida Magli, an anthropologist, has come up with another reason: babies? childlessness no longer bears a stigma, and the social pressure to marry 3) Can Italian women employment be considered as a definitive and have children is much weaker. That applies even in the Mezzog- explanation? iorno (Italy's poor and ultra-traditional south), where women are choos- 4) Is childlessness still believed to be shameful? ing to have fewer babies. 5) Do Italians postpone marriage and babies because of their In any event, the notion that impetuous Italians have unprotected wish to have a good time? sex is false. It is some time since most Italians, even the good Catholics 6) What is “mammoni-phenomenon”? among them, eschewed contraception. 9 10
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