Meaning At/around the
moment of speech
Before the moment
of speech
After the mo-
ment of speech
Type of op-
3 – member equipollent
o Each of the three members of the tense forms paradigm is represented by a
whole set of forms which also give info about the aspect (continuous / non-
continuous) and correlation (perfect / non-perfect).
o In the periphery of the functional semantic field of Temporality you can find
lexical means (adverbs and adverbials) and syntactic means (phrases; subordinate
clauses of time).
o The problem of the Future tense in English
– 1 point of view: shall & will are auxiliary verbs ĺ …
– Another point of view: shall & will are modal verbs ĺ …
a binary opposition Past – Non-Past
– shall & will are a case of grammatical homonymy.
– shall & will are syncretic elements.
– + the future meaning is often expressed by non-morphological means – Pre-
sent Simple, Present Continuous and be going to forms.
o the central means in the functional semantic field of Aspectuality. The
general meaning of the field is the ‘temporal distribution of the action / event’
(ɯɚɪɚɤɬɟɪ ɪɚɫɩɪɟɞɟɥɟɧɢɹ ɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɹ ɜɨ ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ).
Meaning At/around the Before the moment After the mo- moment of speech of speech ment of speech Type of op- 3 – member equipollent position o Each of the three members of the tense forms paradigm is represented by a whole set of forms which also give info about the aspect (continuous / non- continuous) and correlation (perfect / non-perfect). o In the periphery of the functional semantic field of Temporality you can find lexical means (adverbs and adverbials) and syntactic means (phrases; subordinate clauses of time). o The problem of the Future tense in English – 1 point of view: shall & will are auxiliary verbs � … – Another point of view: shall & will are modal verbs � … a binary opposition Past – Non-Past – shall & will are a case of grammatical homonymy. – shall & will are syncretic elements. – + the future meaning is often expressed by non-morphological means – Pre- sent Simple, Present Continuous and be going to forms. THE MORPHOLOGICAL CATEGORY OF ASPECT OF THE VERB o the central means in the functional semantic field of Aspectuality. The general meaning of the field is the ‘temporal distribution of the action / event’ (�������� ������������� �������� �� �������). 18
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