Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Бодргина Л.И - 20 стр.


salary is paid to the employee’s salary
when the salary is paid to the em-
ployee. The amount withheld is a credit
against the amount of income taxes that
the employee must pay on income
earned for the taxable year.
работника по ее выплате. Удержи-
ваемая сумма является кредитом
против суммы подоходных налогов,
которые работник должен выплатить
с дохода, заработанного в течение
налогового года.
INTEREST in commercial law,
consideration paid for the use of money
loaned or forbearance in demanding it
when due. Interest is a means of com-
pensation, and expresses a formula
consisting of the amount charged (a
percentage), the amount loaned, and
the time involved.
Процент в торговом праве
встречное удовлетворение или ком-
пенсация, выплачиваемая за пользо-
вание денежной ссудой, или воздер-
от права требования этой
суммы по наступлении срока ее воз-
вращения. Процентэто средство
компенсации, он выражает формулу,
состоящую из выплачиваемой сум-
мы (процента), суммы ссуды и вре-
мени показателей.
INTEREST RATE the amount of
interest paid, usually expressed as a
percentage of the amount of the under-
lying debt.
Процентная ставка сумма
выплачиваемого процента, обычно
выраженная в виде процента с сум-
мы долга.
Banker’s services cover an enormous range of activities today.
A full list would include:
1. Current account services
They are extended to anyone whom banks regard as reliable. A new depositor
should be recommended by his employer or should present a reference. If this
proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered
in his current account.
A cheque book will then be issued free of charge. Once the customer has re-
ceived his cheque book he may use the cheques to order the banker to pay our
sums of money from his current account. Money is being paid into and paid out of
the account as often as the customer finds convenient.
2. Deposit account services
Companies and individuals can deposit cash resources that are not needed at
present. They need it or after a certain period in case of time deposit.
3. Savings account services
It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for exam-
ple for holidays.
4. Other services:
foreign exchange;
foreign exchange transactions;
services in foreign trade payments;
discounting bills of exchange;
 salary is paid to the employee’s salaryработника по ее выплате. Удержи-
 when the salary is paid to the em-     ваемая сумма является кредитом
 ployee. The amount withheld is a creditпротив суммы подоходных налогов,
 against the amount of income taxes thatкоторые работник должен выплатить
 the employee must pay on income        с дохода, заработанного в течение
 earned for the taxable year.           налогового года.
       INTEREST in commercial law,          Процент – в торговом праве
 consideration paid for the use of moneyвстречное удовлетворение или ком-
 loaned or forbearance in demanding it  пенсация, выплачиваемая за пользо-
 when due. Interest is a means of com-  вание денежной ссудой, или воздер-
 pensation, and expresses a formula     жание от права требования этой
 consisting of the amount charged (a    суммы по наступлении срока ее воз-
 percentage), the amount loaned, and    вращения. Процент – это средство
 the time involved.                     компенсации, он выражает формулу,
                                        состоящую из выплачиваемой сум-
                                        мы (процента), суммы ссуды и вре-
                                        мени показателей.
      INTEREST RATE the amount of           Процентная ставка – сумма
 interest paid, usually expressed as a выплачиваемого процента, обычно
 percentage of the amount of the under- выраженная в виде процента с сум-
 lying debt.                            мы долга.

                         VARIOUS SERVICES OF BANKS
      Banker’s services cover an enormous range of activities today.
      A full list would include:
      1. Current account services
      They are extended to anyone whom banks regard as reliable. A new depositor
should be recommended by his employer or should present a reference. If this
proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered
in his current account.
      A cheque book will then be issued free of charge. Once the customer has re-
ceived his cheque book he may use the cheques to order the banker to pay our
sums of money from his current account. Money is being paid into and paid out of
the account as often as the customer finds convenient.
      2. Deposit account services
      Companies and individuals can deposit cash resources that are not needed at
present. They need it or after a certain period in case of time deposit.
      3. Savings account services
      It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for exam-
ple for holidays.
      4. Other services:
      – foreign exchange;
      – foreign exchange transactions;
      – services in foreign trade payments;
      – discounting bills of exchange;