Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Бодргина Л.И - 49 стр.


Date of shipment: 20 November, 1994
Port of shipment: Riga
Port of destination: Liverpool
Description: Chemicals ST cif Liverpool
Quantity: 5000 kgs.
Unit price: GBP 175.00 per kilo Total amount: GBP 875, 000. 00 Currency:
English Pound Sterling Bank: United Bank, Liverpool
invoice счет
to issue an invoice выписать счет
shipping documents отгрузочные документы
quantity количество
reference ссылка (на документ)
vessel судно
destination назначение
port of destination порт назначения
I. Complete as in the text.
1. Commercial invoices are usually issued by ...
2. Together with shipping documents invoices are usually sent to ...
3. Commercial invoices generally contain ...
II. Sum up what the text said about invoices.
III. Say what information of the specimen contract the specimen invoice repeats.
IV. Answer the following questions about the specimen invoice.
1. On board what vessel were the chemicals shipped?
2. When were the goods shipped?
3. Were all the goods stipulated by the contract shipped?
V. Translate the specimen invoice into Russian.
VI. Translate into English:
наименование товара;
цена за единицу;
цена за тонну;
общая сумма к оплате;
порт назначения;
наименование товара.
    Date of shipment: 20 November, 1994
    Port of shipment: Riga
    Port of destination: Liverpool
    Description: Chemicals ST cif Liverpool
    Quantity: 5000 kgs.
    Unit price: GBP 175.00 per kilo Total amount: GBP 875, 000. 00 Currency:
English Pound Sterling Bank: United Bank, Liverpool


 invoice                                     счет
 to issue an invoice                         выписать счет
 shipping documents                          отгрузочные документы
 quantity                                    количество
 reference                                   ссылка (на документ)
 vessel                                      судно
 destination                                 назначение
 port of destination                         порт назначения


    I. Complete as in the text.
    1. Commercial invoices are usually issued by ...
    2. Together with shipping documents invoices are usually sent to ...
    3. Commercial invoices generally contain ...

    II. Sum up what the text said about invoices.

    III. Say what information of the specimen contract the specimen invoice repeats.

    IV. Answer the following questions about the specimen invoice.
    1. On board what vessel were the chemicals shipped?
    2. When were the goods shipped?
    3. Were all the goods stipulated by the contract shipped?

    V. Translate the specimen invoice into Russian.

    VI. Translate into English:
    – наименование товара;
    – цена за единицу;
    – цена за тонну;
    – общая сумма к оплате;
    – судно;
    – порт назначения;
    – наименование товара.