Сборник текстов для перевода. Борисова Л.А. - 44 стр.



to Provide Advertising Services
The international airport “Sheremetyevo”, represented by_____, acting on
the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as “Trustee”, the company
“_____”, represented by_____, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, here-
inafter referred to as “Executor”, on the one hand, and the company “_____”,
represented by _____, hereinafter called “Client”, on the other hand, have
agreed as follows:
1. Subject of the Contract
1.1 The Client entrusts and the Executor undertakes to perform a com-
plex of jobs on placement of advertising panels in arrivals halls. The design of
the advertising panel forms an integral part of the Present Contract.
2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
2.1 The Trustee shall provide electric power for lighting equipment of
the Client’s advertising panels.
2.2 The Executor shall provide guarantee services for the Client’s light-
ing equipment and advertising panels for the duration of the present Contract.
2.3 Either party has the right to cancel the Contract by written notice 30
days in advance of the estimated date of termination. In this case the cost of
placement from the time of the cancellation of the Contract till the agreed termi-
nation date shall be returned to the Client (rental payment for the remaining
3. Settlement Procedure
3.1 The Client shall make payment under the present Contract in the
amount of GBP _____ into the settlement account of the Trustee within 14
banking days from the date of the present Contract.
4. Responsibility
4.1 In the event of the Client’s delay in payments in accordance with Ar-
ticle 3.1 of this Contract for more than 3 (three) banking days, the Trustee has
the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally.
4.2 The Executor is liable for the proper condition of the panels and shall
eliminate all defects at his own account within reasonable time from the moment
they are discovered.
4.3 The Trustee guarantees that in the event of restructuring (liquidation)
of the Executor, termination of the agency agreement between the Trustee and
                                       TEXT 28

                           to Provide Advertising Services

       The international airport “Sheremetyevo”, represented by_____, acting on
the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as “Trustee”, the company
“_____”, represented by_____, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, here-
inafter referred to as “Executor”, on the one hand, and the company “_____”,
represented by _____, hereinafter called “Client”, on the other hand, have
agreed as follows:

      1.     Subject of the Contract
      1.1 The Client entrusts and the Executor undertakes to perform a com-
plex of jobs on placement of advertising panels in arrivals halls. The design of
the advertising panel forms an integral part of the Present Contract.

      2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
      2.1 The Trustee shall provide electric power for lighting equipment of
the Client’s advertising panels.
      2.2 The Executor shall provide guarantee services for the Client’s light-
ing equipment and advertising panels for the duration of the present Contract.
      2.3 Either party has the right to cancel the Contract by written notice 30
days in advance of the estimated date of termination. In this case the cost of
placement from the time of the cancellation of the Contract till the agreed termi-
nation date shall be returned to the Client (rental payment for the remaining

      3. Settlement Procedure
      3.1 The Client shall make payment under the present Contract in the
amount of GBP _____ into the settlement account of the Trustee within 14
banking days from the date of the present Contract.

       4. Responsibility
       4.1 In the event of the Client’s delay in payments in accordance with Ar-
ticle 3.1 of this Contract for more than 3 (three) banking days, the Trustee has
the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally.
       4.2 The Executor is liable for the proper condition of the panels and shall
eliminate all defects at his own account within reasonable time from the moment
they are discovered.
       4.3 The Trustee guarantees that in the event of restructuring (liquidation)
of the Executor, termination of the agency agreement between the Trustee and
