Writing. Part 2. Домбровская И.В - 25 стр.


-Argumentative techniques
-Narrative techniques
An article is a piece of writing which appears in newspapers and
magazines. Articles are usually formal in style, however they can be less formal
depending on whether they are published in a popular magazine or a newspaper.
In a less formal article you might address the reader directly (e.g. You may not
know this ...) whereas in a formal article this would not be acceptable. In formal
articles the style is impersonal (e.g. It may not be widely known ...).
When writing an article you should first identify its type. You can refer
to previous units in which writing techniques are given. For example, if you are
asked to write an article giving advantages and disadvantages of owning a car,
you should first identify it as an argumentative essay and then refer to the
section Argumentatives to find the argumentative techniques, as well as the
outline you should use.
Outlines for Argumentative Articles
Expressing opinions/
providing solutions
For and against
Discursive essays
state topic
state topic
state topic
Point 1/ Suggestion 1
arguments for
one point of view
(e.g. scientific)
Point 2/ Suggestion 2
arguments against
another point of
(e.g. moral)
a third point of
(e.g. social)
restate opinion/
best option and
give own opinion
Writing Newspaper Headlines
A newspaper article always has a headline which summarises the main
point of the article and attracts the reader's interest. Bear in mind that a headline
is short and very similar to writing a note or a memo. It is therefore normal
practice to leave out auxiliaries, articles and some prepositions. You should also

 -Argumentative techniques
 -Narrative techniques
         An article is a piece of writing which appears in newspapers and
 magazines. Articles are usually formal in style, however they can be less formal
 depending on whether they are published in a popular magazine or a newspaper.
 In a less formal article you might address the reader directly (e.g. You may not
 know this ...) whereas in a formal article this would not be acceptable. In formal
 articles the style is impersonal (e.g. It may not be widely known ...).
         When writing an article you should first identify its type. You can refer
 to previous units in which writing techniques are given. For example, if you are
 asked to write an article giving advantages and disadvantages of owning a car,
 you should first identify it as an argumentative essay and then refer to the
 section Argumentatives to find the argumentative techniques, as well as the
 outline you should use.

                       Outlines for Argumentative Articles

Advantages/          Expressing opinions/ For and against       Discursive essays
Disadvantages        providing solutions
state topic          state                 state topic          state topic
advantages           Point 1/ Suggestion 1 arguments for        one point of view
                                                                (e.g. scientific)

disadvantages        Point 2/ Suggestion 2 arguments against    another point of
                                                                (e.g. moral)
                                                                a third point of
                                                                (e.g. social)
balanced             restate opinion/     balanced              give own opinion
consideration/       best    option   and consideration
opinion              reason

                           Writing Newspaper Headlines
        A newspaper article always has a headline which summarises the main
 point of the article and attracts the reader's interest. Bear in mind that a headline
 is short and very similar to writing a note or a memo. It is therefore normal
 practice to leave out auxiliaries, articles and some prepositions. You should also