Writing. Part 2. Домбровская И.В - 27 стр.


3. A women's magazine recently claimed that "All the romance has
gone out of our lives". Write a short article for the magazine giving your
opinion of this statement.
4. Write a short article for a travel magazine about a holiday resort you have
Layout and Organisation
As with any other kind of composition, its important to have an
interesting introduction and a suitable conclusion to round off the piece, and to
organize the information into paragraphs which help the reader to follow the
argument or understand the different aspects of the subject. In addition, articles
often include an outline of the story or the topic near the beginning so that the
reader begins with a general picture and then reads on to find out more
Heading Screaming Tyres
by Tracy Cole
Opening: Start in a
way which catches the
readers attention, e.g.
by asking direct
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to
sit behind the wheel of a racing car? Are you looking
for a really imaginative birthday present for a car-mad
friend or relation? If the answer to either of these
questions is yes, then you may be interested to hear
about a course I took at Stoke Lodge Racing School
My day as a racing driver was the first prize in a
news-paper competition I had entered, and I must say
that it was the was the most exciting prize Ive ever
won. The day began with theoretical instruction
covering all aspects of safety. This was followed by
practical tuition in a high performance saloon car.
Use separate
paragraphs for
different aspects of the
With no traffic to worry about, I was able to
practise controlling the car on bends and prepare
myself for ultimate experience: the chance to drive a
single seater racing car.
And finally, with crash helmet on and full harness
seat belts secured, I was able to rev up the engine and
edge my way out on to the circuit. Six breath-taking
laps later, my dream had become reality.
Ending: Round off
the article suitably,
e.g. with an overview,
a concluding remark,
or a joke!
For those not lucky enough to win a day at the
racing school, the cost of the introductory course is
£120, which includes all equipment and also an
impressive certificate to hang on the wall. Anyone who
can drive a car can enjoy the experience, regardless of
age. The oldest participant so far has been 85, and I
understand that he has booked a second course!
3. A women's magazine recently claimed that "All the romance has
   gone out of our lives". Write a short article for the magazine giving your
   opinion of this statement.
4. Write a short article for a travel magazine about a holiday resort you have
                            Layout and Organisation
        As with any other kind of composition, it’s important to have an
interesting introduction and a suitable conclusion to ‘round off’ the piece, and to
organize the information into paragraphs which help the reader to follow the
argument or understand the different aspects of the subject. In addition, articles
often include an outline of the story or the topic near the beginning so that the
reader begins with a general picture and then reads on to find out more

Heading                              Screaming Tyres
                                      by Tracy Cole
Opening: Start in a           Have you ever wondered what it would be like to
way which catches the sit behind the wheel of a racing car? Are you looking
reader’s attention, e.g. for a really imaginative birthday present for a car-mad
by asking direct         friend or relation? If the answer to either of these
questions.               questions is ‘yes’, then you may be interested to hear
                         about a course I took at Stoke Lodge Racing School
                               My day as a racing driver was the first prize in a
                         news-paper competition I had entered, and I must say
                         that it was the was the most exciting prize I’ve ever
                         won. The day began with theoretical instruction
                         covering all aspects of safety. This was followed by
                         practical tuition in a high performance saloon car.
Use separate                   With no traffic to worry about, I was able to
paragraphs for           practise controlling the car on bends and prepare
different aspects of the myself for ultimate experience: the chance to drive a
subject.                 single seater racing car.
                               And finally, with crash helmet on and full harness
                         seat belts secured, I was able to rev up the engine and
                         edge my way out on to the circuit. Six breath-taking
                         laps later, my dream had become reality.
Ending: ‘Round off’            For those not lucky enough to win a day at the
the article suitably,    racing school, the cost of the introductory course is
e.g. with an overview, £120, which includes all equipment and also an
a concluding remark,     impressive certificate to hang on the wall. Anyone who
or a joke!               can drive a car can enjoy the experience, regardless of
                         age. The oldest participant so far has been 85, and I
                         understand that he has booked a second course!