Английский язык. Дьякова Н.П. - 26 стр.



Вариант 4
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The Pacific salmon include five species. All the species are alike in general way,
such as their shape and the arrangement of their fins. They are divided into five species
by their differences such as size, colour and natural habits. Each salmon is known by
a number of common names and by its scientific name. For instance, the largest one is
called chinook salmon ( king salmon, quinnat salmon) (Oncorhynchus Tschavytscha).
This is the biggest and finest salmon. In spring it is a silver fish with black dots scat-
tered along its back. It sometimes grows to be forty-six kilograms; in our waters its
common weight is about 25 kilograms. Maturity comes usually at the age of four to
seven years; males usually mature earlier than females. The common length of the
spawning chinook (in the Kamchatka River) is 75 – 103 cm., the weight being 5,5 –
17 kilograms. The flesh of chinook salmon is usually deep-red, but a few are found to
have lighter coloured or even white meat. It is considered very delicious.
Sokeye salmon (red salmon, blueback salmon). Valuable fish of the Far East. This
is the only Kamchatka species spawning in lakes. Spawning also takes place in rivulets
and brooklets, yet always in the area of subsoil water. Spawn is laid in the places where
water flows quetly not exceeding 0,1 m/sec. The average length of sokeye is 56 –
57 cm., the weight being erom 2 to 3,5 kg. It is a silver fish with beautiful dark-blue co-
louring along its back. It lives to be four or five years old.
Coho (silver, gin-masu) (Oncorhyncus Kisutch). The coho is silvery with
a greenish back and a few black spots. The flesh is of exellent flavour but of lighter co-
lour than that of chinook. The average weight is about four to 4,5 kg. The most impor-
tant fishing grounds: East and West coast of Kamchatka and Okhotsk coast.
Задание 2. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.
To be alike in general way; shape and arrangement of fins; a silver fish with black
dots; dots scattered along the back; the maturity comes at the age; the common length
is; the flesh of chinook salmon; chinook salmon is considered to be delicious; spawn-
ing takes place in rivuletes and brooklets; the average length; exellent flavour; chinook
salmon and sokeye salmon; the avarage weight; important fishing ground.
Задание 3. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.
Отличный вкус; средний вес кижуча, нерки, чавычи; нерест происходит
в речушках и ручьях; чавычасамый большой лосось; черные точки рассеянные
по спине; зрелость лосося; зрелость наступает в возрасте; неркаценная рыба
Дальнего Востока; мясо чавычи темно-красного цвета; вода протекает спокойно;
район лова рыбы; вкусное мясо.
                                         Вариант 4

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

                                  THE PACIFIC SALMON

     The Pacific salmon include five species. All the species are alike in general way,
such as their shape and the arrangement of their fins. They are divided into five species
by their differences such as size, colour and natural habits. Each salmon is known by
a number of common names and by its scientific name. For instance, the largest one is
called chinook salmon ( king salmon, quinnat salmon) (Oncorhynchus Tschavytscha).
This is the biggest and finest salmon. In spring it is a silver fish with black dots scat-
tered along its back. It sometimes grows to be forty-six kilograms; in our waters its
common weight is about 25 kilograms. Maturity comes usually at the age of four to
seven years; males usually mature earlier than females. The common length of the
spawning chinook (in the Kamchatka River) is 75 – 103 cm., the weight being 5,5 –
17 kilograms. The flesh of chinook salmon is usually deep-red, but a few are found to
have lighter coloured or even white meat. It is considered very delicious.
     Sokeye salmon (red salmon, blueback salmon). Valuable fish of the Far East. This
is the only Kamchatka species spawning in lakes. Spawning also takes place in rivulets
and brooklets, yet always in the area of subsoil water. Spawn is laid in the places where
water flows quetly not exceeding 0,1 m/sec. The average length of sokeye is 56 –
57 cm., the weight being erom 2 to 3,5 kg. It is a silver fish with beautiful dark-blue co-
louring along its back. It lives to be four or five years old.
     Coho (silver, gin-masu) (Oncorhyncus Kisutch). The coho is silvery with
a greenish back and a few black spots. The flesh is of exellent flavour but of lighter co-
lour than that of chinook. The average weight is about four to 4,5 kg. The most impor-
tant fishing grounds: East and West coast of Kamchatka and Okhotsk coast.

Задание 2. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.
      To be alike in general way; shape and arrangement of fins; a silver fish with black
dots; dots scattered along the back; the maturity comes at the age; the common length
is; the flesh of chinook salmon; chinook salmon is considered to be delicious; spawn-
ing takes place in rivuletes and brooklets; the average length; exellent flavour; chinook
salmon and sokeye salmon; the avarage weight; important fishing ground.

Задание 3. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык.
    Отличный вкус; средний вес кижуча, нерки, чавычи; нерест происходит
в речушках и ручьях; чавыча – самый большой лосось; черные точки рассеянные
по спине; зрелость лосося; зрелость наступает в возрасте; нерка – ценная рыба
Дальнего Востока; мясо чавычи темно-красного цвета; вода протекает спокойно;
район лова рыбы; вкусное мясо.
