Английский язык. Дьякова Н.П. - 28 стр.



to find (found) находить
to consider считать
sokeye (red salmon, blueback salmon) нерка
to take place иметь место, происходить
rivulet речушка
brooklet ручеек
subsoil подпочва
to lay (laid) класть, откладывать; зд. иметь
место, происходить
to flow протекать
to exceed превышать
average средний
along по
coho (silver, gin-masu) кижуч
greenish зеленоватый
back спина
flavour вкус
ground район лова
Вариант 5
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Chum salmon (dog salmon, keta) (Oncorhyncus Keta). The chum salmon is of dir-
ty silver colour with faint red bars along the sides. It is different from the other because
it has yellowish colour instead of pink or red. The length of the summer chum is 80
cm., weight 2,4 to 5,5 kg. Autumn chum, correspondingly, 100 cm. and 10 kg.
Pink (humpback salmon) (Oncorhyncus Gorbusha). This is the smallest salmon,
very plentiful in number, with average weight of 1,4 kg. It is bluish fish with silver un-
derneath. Its flesh is very light in colour and is not firm and solid when canned. The
pink salmon is always two years old when it comes to rivers.
The spawning migration of salmon is from the sea to fresh water
streams. Some salmon go upstream about 3000 miles. The pink salmon migrate least
of all the Pacific salmon; it spawns only a few miles above salt water.
The salmon in their urge to reach the proper place to deposit their eggs often wear
themselves out trying to navigate waterfalls or fish ladders placed in dams
. The Pacific
salmon would jump vertically four times their length or more
. By the time they have
spawned the salmon are weakened and often emaciated. This warn-out condition is not,
however, the chief cause of the death after spawning of the five species of the Pacific sal-
mon. They have reached the end of theur life cycle, and even in good condition die soon
after their reproductive period is completed. One remarkable trate of salmon is their mys-
terious ability to return to the stream in which they developed as fry and fingerlings.
    to find (found)                               находить
    to consider                                   считать
    sokeye (red salmon, blueback salmon)          нерка
    to take place                                 иметь место, происходить
    rivulet                                       речушка
    brooklet                                      ручеек
    subsoil                                       подпочва
    to lay (laid)                                 класть, откладывать; зд. иметь
                                                  место, происходить
    to flow                                       протекать
    to exceed                                     превышать
    average                                       средний
    along                                         по
    coho (silver, gin-masu)                       кижуч
    greenish                                      зеленоватый
    back                                          спина
    flavour                                       вкус
    ground                                        район лова

                                          Вариант 5

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

                                  THE PACIFIC SALMON

     Chum salmon (dog salmon, keta) (Oncorhyncus Keta). The chum salmon is of dir-
ty silver colour with faint red bars along the sides. It is different from the other because
it has yellowish colour instead of pink or red. The length of the summer chum is 80
cm., weight 2,4 to 5,5 kg. Autumn chum, correspondingly, 100 cm. and 10 kg.
     Pink (humpback salmon) (Oncorhyncus Gorbusha). This is the smallest salmon,
very plentiful in number, with average weight of 1,4 kg. It is bluish fish with silver un-
derneath. Its flesh is very light in colour and is not firm and solid when canned. The
pink salmon is always two years old when it comes to rivers.
     Migration. The spawning migration of salmon is from the sea to fresh water
streams. Some salmon go upstream about 3000 miles. The pink salmon migrate least
of all the Pacific salmon; it spawns only a few miles above salt water.
     The salmon in their urge to reach the proper place to deposit their eggs often wear
themselves out trying to navigate waterfalls or fish ladders placed in dams1. The Pacific
salmon would jump vertically four times their length or more2. By the time they have
spawned the salmon are weakened and often emaciated. This warn-out condition is not,
however, the chief cause of the death after spawning of the five species of the Pacific sal-
mon. They have reached the end of theur life cycle, and even in good condition die soon
after their reproductive period is completed. One remarkable trate of salmon is their mys-
terious ability to return to the stream in which they developed as fry and fingerlings.
