Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений для студентов специальностей "Промышленное рыболовство". Дьякова Н.П. - 29 стр.



Scientists in the United States are reported to be turning their attention to the
tailless ocean sunfish as a possible market species. Although sunfish is eaten in other
parts of the world, for instance in Japan and Italy, there has been little attempt to util-
ize it in the USA. It has become a significant by catch in the California shark-gillnet
fishery and has been dumped at sea rather than landed, although sunfish meat has
sold at high prices in Monterey.
The flesh of the ocean sunfish is said to be jelly-like and, when cooked, has a consis-
tency similar to lobster meat. The flavour tends more towards shellfish than fish.
Since ocean sunfish may reach up to 450 kg and the average yield of meat is 20 per
cent, the yield per fish could be up to 90 kg.
In view of the similarity to shellfish in both taste and texture, it is felt that ocean sun-
fish could in future become a substitute for high priced shellfish species such as lob-
substitute замена, заменитель
lobster омар (ракообразный)
turn attention to обращать внимание на
attempt попытка
sunfish луна рыба
gillnet fishery промысел жаберными сетями
catch вылов, добыча
dump выгружать
land сдавать на берег, выгружать на берегу
jelly like студенистый, желеобразный
similar сходный, подобный
yield урожай, добыча, выход
in view of в виду
texture текстура, ткань (биологическая)
1. Match the pairs.
In view of the similarity to shellfish; the flesh of the ocean sunfish; to reach up; a
substitute for lobster; little attempt to utilize sunfish; a consistency similar to lobster
meat; average yield of meat; yield per fish; taste and texture; the flesh of sunfish is
           UNIT 3
                                    TEXT 12
                           A SUBSTITUTE FOR LOBSTER

        Scientists in the United States are reported to be turning their attention to the
tailless ocean sunfish as a possible market species. Although sunfish is eaten in other
parts of the world, for instance in Japan and Italy, there has been little attempt to util-
ize it in the USA. It has become a significant by catch in the California shark-gillnet
fishery and has been dumped at sea rather than landed, although sunfish meat has
sold at high prices in Monterey.
The flesh of the ocean sunfish is said to be jelly-like and, when cooked, has a consis-
tency similar to lobster meat. The flavour tends more towards shellfish than fish.
Since ocean sunfish may reach up to 450 kg and the average yield of meat is 20 per
cent, the yield per fish could be up to 90 kg.
In view of the similarity to shellfish in both taste and texture, it is felt that ocean sun-
fish could in future become a substitute for high priced shellfish species such as lob-

       substitute                                замена, заменитель
       lobster                                   омар (ракообразный)
       turn attention to                         обращать внимание на …
       attempt                                   попытка
       sunfish                                   луна рыба
       gillnet fishery                           промысел жаберными сетями
       catch                                     вылов, добыча
       dump                                      выгружать
       land                                      сдавать на берег, выгружать на берегу
       jelly like                                студенистый, желеобразный
       similar                                   сходный, подобный
       yield                                     урожай, добыча, выход
       in view of                                в виду
       texture                                   текстура, ткань (биологическая)


       1. Match the pairs.
In view of the similarity to shellfish; the flesh of the ocean sunfish; to reach up; a
substitute for lobster; little attempt to utilize sunfish; a consistency similar to lobster
meat; average yield of meat; yield per fish; taste and texture; the flesh of sunfish is
