Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Дьякова Н.П. - 10 стр.



III. Choose the equivalents.
Coastal fishing, bottom trawl, filling grounds, maritime states, depletion of
stocks, fish processing, long-lining, purse-seining operations, headed and gutted
fish, filleting machine, plate freezing, fish meal, maximum sustainable yield,
blast-frozen, test panel evaluation, catch composition, mesh size, distant water
fishing, by catch introduction of 200 mile zones.
Океанический промысел; истощение запасов; обезглавленная и потро-
шеная рыба; кошельковый промысел; замораживание в плиточном моро-
зильном аппарате; оценка органолептических качеств; максимально допус-
тимый вылов; прилов; обработка рыбы; установление 200-мильной зоны;
состав улова; замораживание в потоке воздуха; промысловые районы; ярус-
ный промысел; прибрежные государства; филетировочная машина; рыбная
мука; прибрежный промысел; донный трал.
IV. Answer the questions.
1. What’s the attitude of native peoples to fish and shell fish?
2. What’s the reason of fish stock decline?
3. What measures were taken to stop dramatic harvesting?
V. Match pairs of synonyms.
Management, surplus, sophisticated, effort, to sustain, to attest, to harvest, al-
location, to oversee, to fish, regulation, to witness, to observe, excess, to maintain,
attemp, distribution, complex.
Text 4
Russian fisheries have traditionally played the central part in supplying the
protein-rich fish products the people of various income groups. This was due to
geographical factors such as a long shore line, a great number of rivers and lakes,
instability in farming and stock breeding, as well as religious traditions. For in-
stance, the Christian religion is known to have banned all animal food, except for
fish, from the table during fasting periods. Quite common in the former Soviet
Union’s public and company eateries were so called «Fish-Eating Days», held
customarily once a week on a certain day, with strictly fish dishes served on the
menu. This helped maintain a steady demand for fish products and spur the ex-
pansion in the fishing industry sector.
In Soviet time, fishing industry operating under the planned and enforced
distribution economy went hand in hand with exploration of marine resources.
Rapid development in this field past World War Two brought the ex-USSR in
the forefront among the leading fisheries throughout the world in 1975 and
1988–1989. The per capita consumption of fish neared the 18 kg a year, advised
by the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences’ Nutrition Institute, throughout the
    III. Choose the equivalents.
    Coastal fishing, bottom trawl, filling grounds, maritime states, depletion of
stocks, fish processing, long-lining, purse-seining operations, headed and gutted
fish, filleting machine, plate freezing, fish meal, maximum sustainable yield,
blast-frozen, test panel evaluation, catch composition, mesh size, distant water
fishing, by catch introduction of 200 mile zones.
   Океанический промысел; истощение запасов; обезглавленная и потро-
шеная рыба; кошельковый промысел; замораживание в плиточном моро-
зильном аппарате; оценка органолептических качеств; максимально допус-
тимый вылов; прилов; обработка рыбы; установление 200-мильной зоны;
состав улова; замораживание в потоке воздуха; промысловые районы; ярус-
ный промысел; прибрежные государства; филетировочная машина; рыбная
мука; прибрежный промысел; донный трал.
   IV. Answer the questions.
    1. What’s the attitude of native peoples to fish and shell fish?
    2. What’s the reason of fish stock decline?
    3. What measures were taken to stop dramatic harvesting?

    V. Match pairs of synonyms.
    Management, surplus, sophisticated, effort, to sustain, to attest, to harvest, al-
location, to oversee, to fish, regulation, to witness, to observe, excess, to maintain,
attemp, distribution, complex.

                                Text 4

    Russian fisheries have traditionally played the central part in supplying the
protein-rich fish products the people of various income groups. This was due to
geographical factors such as a long shore line, a great number of rivers and lakes,
instability in farming and stock breeding, as well as religious traditions. For in-
stance, the Christian religion is known to have banned all animal food, except for
fish, from the table during fasting periods. Quite common in the former Soviet
Union’s public and company eateries were so called «Fish-Eating Days», held
customarily once a week on a certain day, with strictly fish dishes served on the
menu. This helped maintain a steady demand for fish products and spur the ex-
pansion in the fishing industry sector.
    In Soviet time, fishing industry operating under the planned and enforced
distribution economy went hand in hand with exploration of marine resources.
Rapid development in this field past World War Two brought the ex-USSR in
the forefront among the leading fisheries throughout the world in 1975 and
1988–1989. The per capita consumption of fish neared the 18 kg a year, advised
by the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences’ Nutrition Institute, throughout the