Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Дьякова Н.П. - 22 стр.



ry studies show that as personal income increases, so does the average number
of calories consumed. The proportion of overall calories contributed by animal
protein, animal fat and sugar is also relatively high for people with higher in-
In contrast, with lower levels of personal income, fewer calories are consumed
and the proportion of those calories from animal protein is very low. Most of cal-
ories in the diets of people in low income regions come from carbohydrates, pri-
marily from grains, which may not supply all of the essential amino acids. Amino
acids are the building blocks of proteins. The amino acid composition of fish flesh
is very close to our dietary requirements. Fishes and shellfishes provide the type
of food that people in both rich and poor nations need-relatively low in fat and
high in protein. The protein content of fish flesh is 19% (of wet weight) which is
relatively high, while the caloric content is relatively low. Among the fats found
in seafood are some special ones that are thought to be particularly beneficial to
human health.
An epidemiological study comparing the health of Eskimos, who have diets
rich in seafood, with Danes, whose diets are high in chicken eggs, milk products
and red meat showed that the Eskimos had significantly fewer instances of coro-
nary heart disease, psoriasis and bronchial asthma than Danes. Since that study,
the kinds of fats and oils present in fishes and shellfishes have received consider-
able research attention regarding their potential health benefits.
diet пища
attainment достижение, приобретение
supplying обеспечение
concern дело
essential необходимый
amino acid аминокислота
lysine лизин
methionine метионин
well-being благополучие
proportion доля, часть, соотношение
income доход
to increase увеличивать
average средний
to contribute вкладывать
consume потреблять
carbohydrates углеводы
grain зерно
requirements требования
relatively относительно
particularly особенно
beneficial полезный
ry studies show that as personal income increases, so does the average number
of calories consumed. The proportion of overall calories contributed by animal
protein, animal fat and sugar is also relatively high for people with higher in-
    In contrast, with lower levels of personal income, fewer calories are consumed
and the proportion of those calories from animal protein is very low. Most of cal-
ories in the diets of people in low income regions come from carbohydrates, pri-
marily from grains, which may not supply all of the essential amino acids. Amino
acids are the building blocks of proteins. The amino acid composition of fish flesh
is very close to our dietary requirements. Fishes and shellfishes provide the type
of food that people in both rich and poor nations need-relatively low in fat and
high in protein. The protein content of fish flesh is 19% (of wet weight) which is
relatively high, while the caloric content is relatively low. Among the fats found
in seafood are some special ones that are thought to be particularly beneficial to
human health.
    An epidemiological study comparing the health of Eskimos, who have diets
rich in seafood, with Danes, whose diets are high in chicken eggs, milk products
and red meat showed that the Eskimos had significantly fewer instances of coro-
nary heart disease, psoriasis and bronchial asthma than Danes. Since that study,
the kinds of fats and oils present in fishes and shellfishes have received consider-
able research attention regarding their potential health benefits.


   diet                                      пища
   attainment                                достижение, приобретение
   supplying                                 обеспечение
   concern                                   дело
   essential                                 необходимый
   amino acid                                аминокислота
   lysine                                    лизин
   methionine                                метионин
   well-being                                благополучие
   proportion                                доля, часть, соотношение
   income                                    доход
   to increase                               увеличивать
   average                                   средний
   to contribute                             вкладывать
   consume                                   потреблять
   carbohydrates                             углеводы
   grain                                     зерно
   requirements                              требования
   relatively                                относительно
   particularly                              особенно
   beneficial                                полезный