Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Дьякова Н.П. - 83 стр.



III. Answer the questions.
1. What parasites are known in nature?
2. In what way can stress occur?
3. What is done if a population is infected?
IV. Translate sentences.
1. Водные организмы чувствительны к различным заболеваниям.
2. Вспышку заболевания у популяции называют эпизоотией.
3. В большинстве случаев эпизоотия является результатом стресса по-
пуляции и т. д.
4. Стресс у популяции происходит по ряду причин: например, в слу-
чае ухудшения качества воды, по причине неправильного ухода за популя-
цией и т. д.
5. Те виды рыб, которые болеют или у которых обнаружены паразиты,
следует лечить химикатами (лекарствами).
6. В некоторых случаях химикаты добавляют в воду, в других случаях
рыбам их нужно глотать.
7. Но специалистам по аквакультуре следует помнить, что химикаты
токсичны, если их давать в неправильных пропорциях.
V. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.
Harvesting and Processing
The fish or invertebrates being reared by an aquaculturist may all be harvested
over a short period of time, or there may be intermittent periods of harvesting
throughout the year to ensure a constant supply of product reaches the market.
The channel catfish industry, for example, used to be based on a system wherein
the bulk of the harvesting occured in the late fall (autumn) when water tempera-
tures became cold and fish growth was retarded. This meant a glut of fish on the
market and consequent low prices to the producer. Now, the technique employed
by catfish farmers is to stock each pond with several sizes of fish and harvest
marketable individuals from a given pond by collecting them at intervals of sever-
al weeks year-round. If the producer has several ponds, harvesting might be a
weekly or even daily occurrence. Peaks and valleysin in the availability of fish in
the market are thereby avoided, and the price is much more stable.
Harvesting of ponds is typically accomplished with seine nets. The pond may
be partially drained and a seine is pulled through that pond and fish are collected.
Raceways can be harvested by crowding fish into a confined area and dipping
them out with nets, a technique also used for harvesting cages and net-pens.
Following harvest, fish are typically loaded into hauling tanks on trucks. Inver-
tebrates may be transported in sacks (oysters and crayfish), in boxes on ice
(shrimp), or in hauling tanks (lobsters, crabs). The animals may be carried consi-
derable distances to a certain processing plant or they may be processed on the
For fishes, processing may result in a number of forms. For example, channel
   III. Answer the questions.
     1. What parasites are known in nature?
     2. In what way can stress occur?
     3. What is done if a population is infected?

   IV. Translate sentences.
     1. Водные организмы чувствительны к различным заболеваниям.
     2. Вспышку заболевания у популяции называют эпизоотией.
     3. В большинстве случаев эпизоотия является результатом стресса по-
пуляции и т. д.
     4. Стресс у популяции происходит по ряду причин: например, в слу-
чае ухудшения качества воды, по причине неправильного ухода за популя-
цией и т. д.
     5. Те виды рыб, которые болеют или у которых обнаружены паразиты,
следует лечить химикатами (лекарствами).
     6. В некоторых случаях химикаты добавляют в воду, в других случаях
рыбам их нужно глотать.
     7. Но специалистам по аквакультуре следует помнить, что химикаты
токсичны, если их давать в неправильных пропорциях.

   V. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.
                           Harvesting and Processing
    The fish or invertebrates being reared by an aquaculturist may all be harvested
over a short period of time, or there may be intermittent periods of harvesting
throughout the year to ensure a constant supply of product reaches the market.
The channel catfish industry, for example, used to be based on a system wherein
the bulk of the harvesting occured in the late fall (autumn) when water tempera-
tures became cold and fish growth was retarded. This meant a glut of fish on the
market and consequent low prices to the producer. Now, the technique employed
by catfish farmers is to stock each pond with several sizes of fish and harvest
marketable individuals from a given pond by collecting them at intervals of sever-
al weeks year-round. If the producer has several ponds, harvesting might be a
weekly or even daily occurrence. Peaks and valleysin in the availability of fish in
the market are thereby avoided, and the price is much more stable.
    Harvesting of ponds is typically accomplished with seine nets. The pond may
be partially drained and a seine is pulled through that pond and fish are collected.
Raceways can be harvested by crowding fish into a confined area and dipping
them out with nets, a technique also used for harvesting cages and net-pens.
    Following harvest, fish are typically loaded into hauling tanks on trucks. Inver-
tebrates may be transported in sacks (oysters and crayfish), in boxes on ice
(shrimp), or in hauling tanks (lobsters, crabs). The animals may be carried consi-
derable distances to a certain processing plant or they may be processed on the
    For fishes, processing may result in a number of forms. For example, channel