Welcome to the computer world. Practice materials for 1st year students. Еранина Т.И - 13 стр.



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appear? 7. What was the main idea of Ch.Babbage's machine? 8. How
did electromechanical machines appear and what were they used for?
9. What means of coding the data did Hollerith devise? 10. How were
those electromechanical machines called and why? 11. What kind of
computers appeared later? 12. What new had the computers of 1970s?
Task 3. Find the English equivalents in the text.
Вычислительное устройство; легкий способ вычисления; поэтому
(вот почему); кратное десяти; изобрести механический способ
умножения и деления; логарифмическая линейка; составить
таблицы логарифмов; математический анализ; изобрести
независимо (друг от друга); в результате; полностью исключить
человека; кроме (за исключением); обработка деловой
информации; средство кодирования информации; перфокарты;
пробивать отверстия; оформить собранные данные в таблицу;
работать с данными на перфокарте; устройство, записывающее
информацию блоками; единица информации; выполнять вычисле-
ния; для научных целей; клавишный терминал.
Task 4. Remember the meaning of the given verbs. Think about word
formation with help of suffixes. Use your dictionary.
Example: to calculate – calculating, calculator, calculation.
To compute, to invent, to know, to multiply, to divide, to depend, to
solve, to provide, to process, to code, to punch, to collect, to design, to
store, to contribute, to use, to manipulate, to assemble, to connect, to
consume, to rely, to divide, to multiply, to inform, to instruct, to
discover, to operate.
Task 5. Translate the following word combinations including:
Participle I
Computers using vacuum tubes; the machine calculating mathematical
problems; the computer keeping instructions in its memory; binary code
storing data and instructions; the vacuum tube controlling and
amplifying electronic signals; computers performing computations in
milliseconds; electronic pulses moving at the speed of light; students
coding the information by using a binary code; devices printing the
information; keyboard terminals replacing vacuum tubes.
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         appear? 7. What was the main idea of Ch.Babbage's machine? 8. How
         did electromechanical machines appear and what were they used for?
         9. What means of coding the data did Hollerith devise? 10. How were
         those electromechanical machines called and why? 11. What kind of
         computers appeared later? 12. What new had the computers of 1970s?

Task 3. Find the English equivalents in the text.

        Вычислительное устройство; легкий способ вычисления; поэтому
        (вот почему); кратное десяти; изобрести механический способ
        умножения и деления; логарифмическая линейка; составить
        таблицы логарифмов; математический анализ; изобрести
        независимо (друг от друга); в результате; полностью исключить
        человека; кроме (за исключением); обработка деловой
        информации; средство кодирования информации; перфокарты;
        пробивать отверстия; оформить собранные данные в таблицу;
        работать с данными на перфокарте; устройство, записывающее
        информацию блоками; единица информации; выполнять вычисле-
        ния; для научных целей; клавишный терминал.

Task 4. Remember the meaning of the given verbs. Think about word
       formation with help of suffixes. Use your dictionary.
       Example: to calculate – calculating, calculator, calculation.

        To compute, to invent, to know, to multiply, to divide, to depend, to
        solve, to provide, to process, to code, to punch, to collect, to design, to
        store, to contribute, to use, to manipulate, to assemble, to connect, to
        consume, to rely, to divide, to multiply, to inform, to instruct, to
        discover, to operate.

Task 5. Translate the following word combinations including:

        A: Participle I

        Computers using vacuum tubes; the machine calculating mathematical
        problems; the computer keeping instructions in its memory; binary code
        storing data and instructions; the vacuum tube controlling and
        amplifying electronic signals; computers performing computations in
        milliseconds; electronic pulses moving at the speed of light; students
        coding the information by using a binary code; devices printing the
        information; keyboard terminals replacing vacuum tubes.